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Brewer's: Fire First

Non, Monsieur, nous ne tirons jamais les premiers. According to tradition, this was said by the Count D'Auteroches to Lord Charles Hay at the battle of Fontenoy, 30th April, 1745 (old…

Brewer's: First-fruits

The first profitable results of labour. In husbandry, the first corn that is cut at harvest. We also use the word in an evil sense; as, the first-fruits of sin, the first-fruits of…

Brewer's: First Water

A diamond of the first water. (See Diamond.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894First Gentleman of EuropeFirst-fruits A B C D E F G H I J K L M N…

First U.S. Satellite

The first successful U.S. satellite, Explorer I, was launched into Earth orbit by the Army on Jan. 31, 1958, at Cape Canaveral, Florida, four months after Russia orbited Sputnik. The 18-…

Famous Firsts in Aviation

Cayley's Helicopter Wilbur and Orville Wright with their second powered machine. Source: Library of Congress. Orville Wright, Major John F. Curry, and Colonel Charles Lindbergh…

Minnesota Orchestra

(Encyclopedia) Minnesota Orchestra, founded 1903. Since 1974 its home has been Orchestra Hall in downtown Minneapolis. The orchestra was one of the first to be recorded (early 1920s) and featured in…

Chester, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) Chester, city (2020 pop. 32,605), Delaware co., SE Pa., on the Delaware River south of Philadelphia; settled c.1644 by Swedes, inc. as a…

The First Modern Olympics: Athens, 1896

The birth of the modern Olympic Games by John Gettings Marathon runners, Greece 1896 Related Links Olympics Overview 2012 Memorable Olympic Moments Encyclopedia: Ancient Olympics…