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(Encyclopedia) Greensboro. <1> City (2020 pop. 3,648), seat of Greene co., Ga.; inc. 1803 (town); 1855 (city). Founded in 1780, the town lies…

Maxwell, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Maxwell, Robert (Ian Robert Maxwell), 1923–91, British business executive, b. Czechoslovakia as Jan Ludwik Hoch. He grew up in a tight-knit Jewish community. After fleeing the Nazis in…


(Encyclopedia) assignatsassignatsăsˈĭgnăts, äsēnyäˈ [key], paper currency issued during the French Revolution. To redeem the huge public debt and to counterbalance the growing deficit, the…

Madoff, Bernard Lawrence

(Encyclopedia) Madoff, Bernard Lawrence Madoff, Bernard Lawrence māˈdôf [key], 1938–2021, American stockbroker,…

Little Entente

(Encyclopedia) Little EntenteLittle Ententeäntäntˈ [key], loose alliance formed in 1920–21 by Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia. Its specific purposes were the containment of Hungarian…


(Encyclopedia) MinseitoMinseitomēnˌsāˈtō [key], Japanese political party. It is usually called the Liberal party in English. Founded by Shigenobu Okuma in 1882 as the Kaishinto, or Progressive party…

Clare, John

(Encyclopedia) Clare, John, 1793–1864, English poet. A romantic poet who wrote shortly after the vogue for such verse, he had a profound and singular gift for capturing nature in exquisitely specific…

Alfonso III, king of Portugal

(Encyclopedia) Alfonso III, 1210–79, king of Portugal (1248–79), son of Alfonso II, brother and successor of Sancho II. By his marriage with Matilda, countess of Boulogne, he became count of Boulogne…

Monrovia, city, Liberia

(Encyclopedia) MonroviaMonroviamənrōˈvēə [key], city (1986 est. pop. 465,000), capital of the Republic of Liberia, NW Liberia, a port on the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the St. Paul River.…

New Economic Policy

(Encyclopedia) New Economic Policy (NEP), official economic reconstruction program of the USSR from 1921 to 1928. It replaced the economic policies of “war Communism” (1918–21), an emergency program…