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Federal Reserve System

(Encyclopedia) Federal Reserve System, central banking system of the United States. Established in 1913, it began to operate in Nov., 1914. Its setup, although somewhat altered since its…

Morton, Levi Parsons

(Encyclopedia) Morton, Levi Parsons, 1824–1920, American banker, Vice President of the United States (1889–93), b. Shoreham, Vt. He engaged in business in Hanover, N.Y., and in Boston before…

New York, University of the State of

(Encyclopedia) New York, University of the State of, chartered 1784. It consists of all secondary and higher educational institutions incorporated in the state and other institutions, organizations,…

International Fund for Agricultural Development

(Encyclopedia) International Fund for Agricultural Development(IFAD), specialized agency of the United Nations with headquarters in Rome, Italy. IFAD grew out of the 1974 World Food Conference; it…

Duarte, king of Portugal

(Encyclopedia) DuarteDuartedwärˈtə [key], 1391–1438, king of Portugal (1433–38), eldest of the five sons of John I. He was a “philosopher-king,” notable for his legal reforms and as the author of O…

Santer, Jacques

(Encyclopedia) Santer, Jacques (Jean Jacques Santer)Santer, JacqueszhäN zhäk säNtĕrˈ [key], 1937–, Luxembourg political leader and European statesman. A lawyer and economist, he entered politics as a…

Harriman, Edward Henry

(Encyclopedia) Harriman, Edward Henry, 1848–1909, American railroad executive, b. Hempstead, N.Y.; father of William Averell Harriman. He became a stockbroker in New York City and soon entered the…

Yellen, Janet Louise

(Encyclopedia) Yellen, Janet LouiseYellen, Janet Louiseyĕlˈən [key], 1946–, U.S. economist and government official, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., B.A. Brown (1967), Ph.D. Yale (1971). Yellen taught economics (…

Lerroux, Alejandro

(Encyclopedia) Lerroux, AlejandroLerroux, Alejandroälāhänˈdrō lār&oomacr;ˈ [key], 1864–1949, Spanish politician. He first won prominence as a radical and virulently anticlerical demagogue in…

Lortzing, Gustav Albert

(Encyclopedia) Lortzing, Gustav AlbertLortzing, Gustav Albertg&oobreve;sˈtäf älˈbĕrt lôrˈtsĭng [key], 1801–51, German opera composer. Lortzing's first opera was written in 1824. Among his best-…