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Movies and Film: Shooting (in) the War

Shooting (in) the WarMovies and FilmBritish Film HistoryThe BeginningsShooting (in) the WarThe Lean YearsEngland's Left Foot: Irish Cinema Not all movies made in England between 1940 and 1945…

Movies and Film: Surfing the "New Wave"

Surfing the "New Wave"Movies and FilmFrench Film HistoryIt's Art, Stupid!A Century of Cinematic SplendorBefore the WarSurfing the "New Wave"The Eighties and NinetiesTen Fabulous French Films The…

Movies and Film: The Past 20 Years

The Past 20 YearsMovies and FilmItalian Film HistoryTurnin' to TurinRinging the White TelephoneA Few Good FilmsThe Past 20 Years During the 1980s, American movies virtually dominated the Italian…

AFI Top 10 Films of 2006

The American Film Institute selected the 10 films that “best advanced the art of the moving image; enhanced the rich cultural heritage of America's art form; inspired audiences and artists alike;…

Top 30 Movies Filmed in Texas

Top of Page Source: iStockAlthough US films are synonymous with Hollywood, the Lone Star state of Texas has been the setting for some of the most memorable movies of all time. Both its wide-open…

Eastwood, Clint

(Encyclopedia) Eastwood, Clint (Clinton Eastwood, Jr.), 1930–, American actor and director, b. San Francisco. Eastwood, who began his acting career in 1955, came to public attention in the TV Western…