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Gates, John Warne

(Encyclopedia) Gates, John Warne, 1855–1911, American financier and promoter, known as Bet-a-Million Gates, b. near Chicago. He discovered a market for wire fencing on the Western plains, began the…

Gaynor, William Jay

(Encyclopedia) Gaynor, William Jay, 1849–1913, U.S. political leader, mayor of New York City, b. Oneida co., N.Y. He rose to prominence as a civic reformer in Brooklyn and, as justice of the New York…

Willard, Solomon

(Encyclopedia) Willard, Solomon, 1783–1861, American architect and sculptor, b. Petersham, Mass. Arriving in Boston in 1804, he eventually became a leading architect; he both designed and supervised…

Ponge, Francis

(Encyclopedia) Ponge, FrancisPonge, FrancisfräNsēsˈ pôNzh [key], 1899–1988, French essayist and poet. A controversial figure, he was opposed to emotional and symbolic poetic methods. His method was…

Kolbe, Georg

(Encyclopedia) Kolbe, GeorgKolbe, Georggāˈôrkh kôlˈbə [key], 1877–1947, German sculptor. Kolbe studied painting and after meeting Rodin turned to sculpture, working in Berlin from 1903 until his…

Kolettes, Ioannis

(Encyclopedia) Kolettes, IoannisKolettes, Ioannisyō-äˈnēs kôlĕtˈās [key], 1773–1847, Greek political leader. A major political figure both during and after the Greek War of Independence. His cynical…

Gwinnett, Button

(Encyclopedia) Gwinnett, Button, c.1735–1777, American political figure, signer of the Declaration of Independence, b. Gloucestershire, England. Emigrating to America, he became a Georgia planter and…


(Encyclopedia) antithesisantithesisăntĭthˈĭsĭs [key], a figure of speech involving a seeming contradiction of ideas, words, clauses, or sentences within a balanced grammatical structure. Parallelism…

Okada, Keisuke

(Encyclopedia) Okada, KeisukeOkada, Keisukekāˈs&oobreve;kā ōkäˈdä [key], 1862–1952, Japanese statesman and admiral. He was (1927–29, 1932–34) minister of the navy before serving (1934–36) as…

Marquet, Albert

(Encyclopedia) Marquet, AlbertMarquet, Albertälbĕrˈ märkāˈ [key], 1875–1947, French painter. In 1894 he met Matisse and later became associated with fauvism. His exuberantly colored figure studies…