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John Donne: Prayer XXIII. Metusque, relabi.

PrayerJohn Donne O ETERNAL and most gracious God, who, though thou beest ever infinite, yet enlargest thyself by the number of our prayers, and takest our often petitions to thee to be an…

Utopia: Of Their Magistrates

Of Their Towns, Particularly of Amaurot Of Their Trades, and Manner of Life Of Their Magistrates "Thirty families choose every year a magistrate, who was anciently called the…

The Security Council

Related Links UN Member NationsPrincipal Organs of the UNUS Representatives to the UNEncyclopedia: UNUnited Nations Home PageUnited Nations Association of the United States of AmericaThe…

Impartial Examiner IV

Impartial Examiner IV11 June 1788by In monarchy, where the established maxim is, that the king should be respected as a great and transcendent personage, who knows no equal—who in his royal…

Brutus VII

Brutus VII3 January 1788by BrutusSee also Federalist No. 23The result of our reasoning in the two preceeding numbers is this, that in a confederated government, where the powers are divided…

Roger Sherman: Countryman V

Countryman VRoger ShermanTuesday, December 20, 1787To the People of Connecticut You do not hate to read Newspaper Essays on the new constitution, more than I hate to write them. Then we will…

Icebergs Ahoy

Monster bergs on the loose by Holly Hartman Antarctic icebergs RELATED LINKS See Pictures of B15!AntarcticaNorth Atlantic IcebergsSpotlight on the TitanicIn early 2000, an iceberg covering…

Panda Babies Offer Hope

New arrivals for an endangered species by Holly Hartman Announcing: Panda Babies! Born: twins, August 3; cub, August 6; twins and cub, August 8; twins, August 10 Homes: Beijing Zoo and Wolong…

Childhood Diseases: Infectious Mononucleosis

Infectious MononucleosisChildhood DiseasesIntroductionThe Polio PanicChickenpoxEar AchesMeasly MeaslesMumpsRubellaDeadly DiphtheriaPertussis, or Whooping CoughTerrifying TetanusThe Importance of…