Columbia Encyclopedia

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125 results found

electromotive series

(Encyclopedia)electromotive series, list of metals whose order indicates the relative tendency to be oxidized, or to give up electrons (see oxidation and reduction); the list also includes the gas hydrogen. The ele...


(Encyclopedia)cadmium kădˈmēəm [key] [from cadmia, Lat. for calamine, with which cadmium is found associated], metallic chemical element; symbol Cd; at. no. 48; at. wt. 112.411; m.p. 321℃; b.p. 765℃; sp. gr...


(Encyclopedia)gold, metallic chemical element; symbol Au [Lat. aurum=shining dawn]; at. no. 79; at. wt. 196.96657; m.p. 1,064.43℃; b.p. 2,808℃; sp. gr. 19.32 at 20℃; valence +1 or +3. Gold is very ductile and...

palladium, chemical element

(Encyclopedia)palladium [Gr. Pallas, goddess of wisdom], metallic chemical element; symbol Pd; at. no. 46; at. wt. 106.42; m.p. 1,554℃; b.p. 2,970℃; sp. gr. 12.02 at 20℃; valence +2, +3, or +4. Palladium is a...

Tsvangirai, Morgan

(Encyclopedia)Tsvangirai, Morgan chänˌgərīˈ [key], 1952–2018, Zimbabwean trade unionist and political leader. In the 1970s, while working in a nickel mine, he joined the Associated Mineworkers Union. Rising ...

Buryat Republic

(Encyclopedia)Buryat Republic bo͝oryätˈēə [key], constituent republic (2020 est. pop. 985,431), c.135,600 sq mi ...


(Encyclopedia)lanthanum lănˈthənəm [key] [Gr.,=to lie hidden], metallic chemical element; symbol La; at. no. 57; at. wt. 138.90547; m.p. about 920℃; b.p. about 3,460℃; sp. gr. 6.19 at 25℃; valence +3. Lan...


(Encyclopedia)rubidium ro͞obĭdˈēəm [key], metallic chemical element; symbol Rb; at. no. 37; at. wt. 85.4678; m.p. 38.89℃; b.p. 686℃; sp. gr. 1.53 at 20℃; valence +1. Rubidium is a very soft silver-white ...


(Encyclopedia)Gansu or Kansu both: gänˈso͞oˈ [key], province, 141,000 sq mi (365,284 sq km), NW China. The capital is ...


(Encyclopedia)barium bârˈēəm [key] [Gr.,=heavy], metallic chemical element; symbol Ba; at. no. 56; at. wt. 137.327; m.p. 725℃; b.p. 1,640℃; sp. gr. 3.5 at 20℃; valence +2. Barium is a soft, silver-white, ...

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