Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Keaton, Buster

(Encyclopedia)Keaton, Buster (Joseph Francis Keaton), 1895–1966, American movie actor, b. Piqua, Kans. Considered one of the greatest comic actors in film history, Keaton used his considerable acrobatic skills, w...

Eikon Basilike

(Encyclopedia)Eikon Basilike īˈkŏn bəsĭlˈĭkē [key] [Gr.,=royal image], subtitled “the Portraiture of His Sacred Majesty in His Solitudes and Sufferings,” a work published soon after the execution of Cha...

Brooke, Rupert

(Encyclopedia)Brooke, Rupert, 1887–1915, English poet. At the outbreak of World War I he joined the Royal Naval Division, served at Antwerp, and was in the Dardanelles expedition when he died of blood poisoning a...


(Encyclopedia)Sadducees săjˈo͝osēz, sădˈyo͝o– [key], sect of Jews formed around the time of the Hasmonean revolt (c.200 b.c.). Little is known concerning their beliefs, but according to Josephus Flavius, t...

Eastman, Joseph Bartlett

(Encyclopedia)Eastman, Joseph Bartlett, 1882–1944, U.S. government administrator, b. Katonah, N.Y. President Wilson appointed him in 1919 to the Interstate Commerce Commission. As federal coordinator of railroads...

Dobson, Austin

(Encyclopedia)Dobson, Austin (Henry Austin Dobson), 1840–1921, English poet and essayist. From 1856 to 1901 he was employed in the Board of Trade. His volumes of light verse include Vignettes in Rhyme (1873), Pro...

Chadwick, Sir Edwin

(Encyclopedia)Chadwick, Sir Edwin, 1800–1890, English social reformer. For many years an assistant to Jeremy Bentham, Chadwick applied Bentham's utilitarianism to the reform (1834) of the Poor Law and to the deve...

Bassett, James

(Encyclopedia)Bassett, James băsˈət [key], 1834–1906, American Presbyterian missionary, b. Canada. In 1872, under the auspices of the American Board, he founded the first American mission at Tehran, Persia (no...

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

(Encyclopedia)Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, charitable organization devoted exclusively to health care issues. It was established in 1936 by Robert Wood Johnson (1893–1968), board chairman of the Johnson & ...

Bachelet, Michele

(Encyclopedia)Bachelet, Michele (Verónica Michele Bachelet Jeria) bĕōnˈēka mēchĕlˈ bächĕlĕtˈ herˈēä [key], 1951–, Chilean political leader and government official, president of Chile (2006–10, 20...

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