Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Steinem, Gloria

(Encyclopedia)Steinem, Gloria stīnˈəm [key], 1934–, American journalist and feminist, b. Toledo, Ohio, grad. Smith College (B.A., 1956). Steinem gained prominence as a spokeswoman for women's rights in article...

King, Henry

(Encyclopedia)King, Henry, 1592–1669, English poet. He became bishop of Chichester in 1642. Elegies constitute nearly half his work, his most notable being “The Exequy,” written on the death of his young wife...

Macron, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric

(Encyclopedia)Macron, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric, 1977–, French political leader and banker, president of France (2017–), b. Amiens, grad. Univ. of Paris Nanterre (2001), Paris Institute of Political Studi...


(Encyclopedia)productivity, in economics, the output of any aspect of production per unit of input. It is a measure of the output of a worker, machine, or an entire national economy in the creation of goods and ser...

American Civil Liberties Union

(Encyclopedia)American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), nonpartisan organization devoted to the preservation and extension of the basic rights set forth in the U.S. Constitution. Founded (1920) by such prominent figur...

Roh Moo Hyun

(Encyclopedia)Roh Moo Hyun nō mo͞o hyŭn [key], 1946–2009, South Korean politician, president (2003–8) of South Korea. A self-educated lawyer who defended antigovernment activists in the early 1980s, he was e...


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Mauritius môrĭshˈēəs, –əs [key], officially Republic of Mauritius, republic (2015 est. pop. 1,259,000), 790 sq mi (2,046 sq km), in the SW Indian Ocean. It is part of the Mascarene Isla...

Daniels, Josephus

(Encyclopedia)Daniels, Josephus, 1862–1948, American statesman, newspaper editor, and author, b. Washington, N.C. He became editor of the Raleigh State Chronicle in 1885 (he was admitted to the bar the same year)...

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