Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

(Encyclopedia)Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, period of Chinese history between the fall of the T'ang dynasty (a.d. 907) and the establishment of the Sung dynasty (a.d. 960). It is named for the five successive sh...

Ferrero, Guglielmo

(Encyclopedia)Ferrero, Guglielmo go͞olyĕlˈmō fār-rĕˈrō [key], 1871–1942, Italian man of letters and historian. With his father-in-law, the criminologist Cesare Lombroso, he collaborated in the writing of ...

Craven, Avery Odelle

(Encyclopedia)Craven, Avery Odelle, 1886–1980, American historian, b. Randolph co., N.C.; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1923. He taught at several colleges in the Midwest before returning (1928) to Chicago and becomin...

Cubberley, Ellwood Patterson

(Encyclopedia)Cubberley, Ellwood Patterson, 1868–1941, American educator, b. Andrews, Ind., grad. Univ. of Indiana, 1891, Ph.D. Columbia, 1905. He was a pioneer writer in the history of American education and ser...

Villari, Pasquale

(Encyclopedia)Villari, Pasquale päskwäˈlā vēlˈlärē [key], 1826–1917, Italian historian and statesman. He took part in the Revolution of 1848, served in the legislative chamber (1867–82), and was ministe...

Tiglathpileser III

(Encyclopedia)Tiglathpileser III, d. 728 b.c., king of ancient Assyria. He seems to have usurped the throne in 745 b.c. He bore the alternative name of Pul, by which he was known in biblical history (2 Kings 15.19)...

Winckelmann, Johann Joachim

(Encyclopedia)Winckelmann, Johann Joachim yōˈhän yōäˈkhĭm vĭngˈkəlmän [key], 1717–68, German classical archaeologist and historian of ancient art, in which field he was a noted authority. A convert to ...

Frost, Robert

(Encyclopedia)Frost, Robert, 1874–1963, American poet, b. San Francisco. Perhaps the most popular and beloved of 20th-century American poets, Frost wrote of the character, people, and landscape of New England in ...

North, Douglass Cecil

(Encyclopedia)North, Douglass Cecil, 1920–2015, American economic historian, b. Cambridge, Mass., Ph.D. Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1952. North was on the faculty at the Univ. of Washington, Seattle (1950–83...

Minnesota, University of

(Encyclopedia)Minnesota, University of, main campus at Minneapolis–St. Paul; land-grant and state supported; coeducational; chartered 1851 and 1868, opened as a university 1869. Other campuses are at Duluth (1947...

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