Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Badger, Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Badger, Joseph, 1708–65, American painter, b. Charlestown, Mass. By trade a glazier and house and sign painter, he turned his hand to portraiture. Generally uninspired, his work appears at its best ...

Dutch and Flemish literature

(Encyclopedia)Dutch and Flemish literature, literary works written in the standard language of the Low Countries since the Middle Ages. It is conventional to use the term Dutch when referring to the language spoken...


(Encyclopedia)abandonment, in law, voluntary, intentional, and absolute relinquishment of rights or property without conveying them to any other person. Abandonment also means willfully leaving one's spouse or chil...

Barthelme, Donald

(Encyclopedia)Barthelme, Donald bärtˈəlmē [key], 1931–89, American writer, b. Philadelphia. The son of an architect, he grew up in Texas, moved (1962) to New York City, worked as a curator and an editor, and ...

Grossman, David

(Encyclopedia)Grossman, David, 1954–, Israeli writer and peace activist, b. Jerusalem. He is widely recognized as the finest novelist in the generation that followed Amos Oz and A. B. Yehoshua. The son of a Polis...

Grundtvig, Nikolai Frederik Severin

(Encyclopedia)Grundtvig, Nikolai Frederik Severin nĭkōlīˈ frĭᵺˈərĭk sĕvərēnˈ gro͝ontˈvĭg [key], 1783–1872, Danish educator, minister, and writer, founder of the Danish folk high school. He came i...


(Encyclopedia)Medjugorje, town (2010 est. pop. 4,000), Herzegovina region, Bosnia and Herzegovina, about 16 mi (25 km) SW of Mostar. In 1981 six children claimed to have seen visions of the Virgin Mary there, which...

Book of the Dead

(Encyclopedia)Book of the Dead, term used to describe Egyptian funerary literature. The texts consist of charms, spells, and formulas for use by the deceased in the afterworld and contain many of the basic ideas of...


(Encyclopedia)Nahalal, Nahallah –lŏl [key], in the Bible, city in N ancient Palestine, part of the inheritance of the children of Zebulon. ...

Charlotte, queen consort of George III of England

(Encyclopedia)Charlotte shärˈlət [key] (Charlotte Sophia), 1744–1818, queen consort of George III of England. The niece of Frederick, duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, she was married to George in 1761 and bore hi...

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