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500 results found

Theodosius II

(Encyclopedia)Theodosius II, 401–50, Roman emperor of the East (408–50), son and successor of Arcadius. He preferred the study of theology and astronomy to public affairs, which he left to the guidance of his s...

Pollux, Julius

(Encyclopedia)Pollux, Julius pŏlˈəks [key], fl. 170, Egyptian Greek lexicographer, b. Naucratis. He compiled a Greek lexicon for Emperor Commodus. ...


(Encyclopedia)Phocylides fəsĭlˈĭdēz [key], fl. 6th cent. b.c., Greek poet, b. Miletus. His gnomic (aphoristic) verses exist in fragments. ...


(Encyclopedia)Pratinas prătˈĭnəs [key], fl. c.500 b.c., Greek dithyrambic poet of Phlius, said to have introduced the satyr play into Athens. ...


(Encyclopedia)Justin (Marcus Junianus Justinus), fl. 3d cent., Roman historian. He made a collection of excerpts from Trogus, which gives many facts not recounted elsewhere. ...


(Encyclopedia)Evagoras ĭvăgˈərəs [key], d. c.374 b.c., despot of Cyprus. Exiled in his youth, he returned (411 b.c.) and made good his claim as ruler of Salamis. By 410 b.c. he had spread his control over the ...


(Encyclopedia)Asclepius ĕsˌkəlāˈpēəs [key], legendary Greek physician; son of Apollo and Coronis. His first teacher was the wise centaur Chiron. When he became so skillful in healing that he could revive the...

Cleomenes I

(Encyclopedia)Cleomenes I klēŏmˈĭnēz [key], d. c.489 b.c., king of Sparta after 518 b.c. In accordance with Sparta's policy of helping oligarchies in other states at the expense of the tyrants or the people, C...

Medwall, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Medwall, Henry, fl. 1486, first known English vernacular dramatist. He was chaplain to Cardinal Morton. His Fulgens and Lucrece (1497), whose heroine must choose between two suitors, is the earliest k...


(Encyclopedia)Calpurnius (Titus Calpurnius Siculus) kălpûrˈnēəs [key], fl. 1st cent. a.d., Roman poet. His Eclogues (seven pastorals) imitate Vergil with grace and charm. ...

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