Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Glycon glīˈkən [key], fl. c.3d cent. a.d., Athenian sculptor and copyist. He executed the Farnese Hercules after the original by Lysippos. ...


(Encyclopedia)Gylippus jĭlĭˈpəs [key], fl. 415–404 b.c., Spartan commander in the Peloponnesian War. He was sent to help Syracuse in its defense against Athenian attack, and it was his resourcefulness and ski...

Solon, Athenian statesman

(Encyclopedia)Solon sōˈlən [key], c.639–c.559 b.c., Athenian statesman, lawgiver, and reformer. He was also a poet, and some of his patriotic verse in the Ionic dialect is extant. At some time (perhaps c.600 b...


(Encyclopedia)Aristides ărĭstīˈdēz [key], d. c.468 b.c., Athenian statesman and general. He was one of the 10 generals who commanded the Athenians at the battle of Marathon (490 b.c.) and in the next year beca...


(Encyclopedia)Eupolis yo͞oˈpəlĭs [key], fl. 430–411 b.c., Athenian comic poet. He seems to have collaborated with Aristophanes, whom he also attacked; another of his victims was Alcibiades. His plays, satiric...


(Encyclopedia)Tyrtaeus tərtēˈəs [key], fl. 7th cent. b.c. at Sparta, Greek elegiac poet. Fragments of his martial elegies in Dorian Greek, which were written to spur Spartan soldiers to victory, are extant. An ...


(Encyclopedia)Pheidippides fīdĭpˈĭdēz [key], fl. 490 b.c., semilegendary Athenian courier sent to Sparta to request help when the Persians landed at Marathon. He ran 150 miles in two days. At the conclusion of...

Draco, Athenian politician and law codifier

(Encyclopedia)Draco drāˈkŏn [key], fl. 621 b.c., Athenian politician and law codifier. Of his codification of Athenian customary law only the section dealing with involuntary homicide is preserved. From this and...


(Encyclopedia)Hippodamus hĭpŏdˈəməs [key], fl. 5th cent. b.c., Greek architect, b. Miletus. He was the first to plan cities according to geometric layouts. For Pericles he remodeled Piraeus (the port of Athens...

Apollodorus, Athenian painter

(Encyclopedia)Apollodorus əpŏlˌōdôrˈəs [key], fl. 430–400 b.c., Athenian painter, called the Shadower, said to have introduced the use of light and shade to model form. Among his few known works are Ajax S...

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