Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)judo jo͞oˈdō [key], sport of Japanese origin that makes use of the principles of jujitsu, a weaponless system of self-defense. Buddhist monks in China, Japan, and Tibet developed jujitsu over a per...


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Aldehydes aldehyde ălˈdəhīd [key] [alcohol + New Lat. dehydrogenatus=dehydrogenated], any of a class of organic compounds that contain the carbonyl group, >C=-->O, and in which t...

nuclear energy

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Graph of binding energy per nucleon as a function of mass number nuclear energy, the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom and released through fission, fusion, or radioactivity. In these pr...

Miki, Takeo

(Encyclopedia)Miki, Takeo, 1907–88, Japanese politician, prime minister of Japan (1974–76). He attended Meiji Univ. and the Univ. of California, Los Angeles, and was first elected to the Diet in 1937. An advoca...

Lindemann, Frederick Alexander

(Encyclopedia)Lindemann, Frederick Alexander (Viscount Cherwell) lĭnˈdəmən, chärˈwĕl [key], 1886–1957, British physicist and government official. He studied with W. H. Nernst and developed with him the Ner...

Henderson, Richard, Scottish molecular biologist

(Encyclopedia)Henderson, Richard, 1945–, Scottish molecular biologist, Ph.D. Cambridge, 1969. Henderson has been a researcher at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge since 1973. In 2017 he was awarded...

Libby, Willard Frank

(Encyclopedia)Libby, Willard Frank, 1908–80, American chemist, b. Grand Valley, Colo., grad. Univ. of California (B.S., 1931; Ph.D., 1933). He taught (1933–45) at the Univ. of California and was a chemist (1941...

McMillan, Edwin Mattison

(Encyclopedia)McMillan, Edwin Mattison, 1907–91, American physicist, b. Redondo Beach, Calif., grad. California Institute of Technology, 1928, Ph.D. Princeton, 1932. On the faculty of the Univ. of California from...

Hahn, Otto

(Encyclopedia)Hahn, Otto ôˈtō hän [key], 1879–1968, German chemist and physicist. His important contributions in the field of radioactivity include the discovery of several radioactive substances, the develop...

Schlesinger, James Rodney

(Encyclopedia)Schlesinger, James Rodney, 1929–2014, U.S. secretary of defense (1973–75) and secretary of energy (1977–79), b. New York City. After graduating from Harvard (A.B., 1950; A.M., 1952; Ph.D., 1956)...

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