Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument

(Encyclopedia)Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument kətäˈdĭn [key], 87,500 acres (35,400 hectares), N central Maine, est. 2016. Located E of Baxter State Park (the site of Mt. Katahdin) along the East Bra...

Mojave Desert

(Encyclopedia)Mojave or Mohave Desert, c.15,000 sq mi (38,850 sq km), region of low, barren mountains and flat valleys, 2,000 to 5,000 ft (610–1,524 m) high, S Calif.; part of the Great Basin of the United States...


(Encyclopedia)Coatesville kōtsˈvĭl [key], city (2020 pop. 12,987), Chester co., SE Pa., on Brandywine Creek, ...

Cockburn Town

(Encyclopedia)Cockburn Town, town (2021 pop. 4,831), capital of the British dependency of the Turks and Caicos Islands, located on Grand Turk ...

National Archives

(Encyclopedia)National Archives, official depository for records of the U.S. federal government, established in 1934 by an act of Congress. Although displeasure concerning the method of keeping national records was...

Port Angeles

(Encyclopedia)Port Angeles ănˈjələs [key], city (1990 pop. 17,710), seat of Clallam co., NW Wash., on Juan de Fuca Strait opposite Victoria, British Columbia; inc. 1890. A port of entry with a good harbor, Port...

Cumberland Gap

(Encyclopedia)Cumberland Gap, natural passage through the Cumberland Mts., near the point where Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee meet. The gap was formed by the erosive action of a stream that once flowed there. I...

Valles Caldera National Preserve

(Encyclopedia)Valles Caldera National Preserve väˈyās [key], 89,766 acres (36,343 hectares), N N.Mex.; est. 2000 by Valles Caldera Trust, transferred to National Park Service 2015. Formerly part of the vast, pri...

Brigham City

(Encyclopedia)Brigham City, city (2020 pop. 19,650), seat of Box Elder co., N Utah; inc. 1869. It is the center of a large farm area served by the Ogden River project...


(Encyclopedia)Murphysboro mûrˈfēzbûrˌə [key], city (1990 pop. 9,176), seat of Jackson co., S Ill., on the Big Muddy River; inc. 1867. It is a trade and distribution center for a fertile farm area. Shoes, feed...

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