Columbia Encyclopedia

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350 results found

Sverdrup, Otto

(Encyclopedia)Sverdrup, Otto svĕrˈdro͝op [key], 1855–1930, Norwegian arctic explorer. A companion of Fridtjof Nansen on the voyage across Greenland in 1888 and on Nansen's later (1893–96) polar expedition, ...

Jespersen, Otto

(Encyclopedia)Jespersen, Otto ŏˈtō yĕsˈpərsən [key], 1860–1943, Danish philologist. Professor of English language and literature at the Univ. of Copenhagen and later rector there, Jespersen first earned a ...

Wagner, Otto

(Encyclopedia)Wagner, Otto ôtˈō vägˈnər [key], 1841–1918, Austrian architect. A structural rationalism was exhibited in his stations for the Vienna city railroad, built in the 1890s. His later works, showin...

Runge, Philipp Otto

(Encyclopedia)Runge, Philipp Otto fēˈlĭp ôtˈō ro͝ongˈə [key], 1777–1810, German painter. Immersed in the mysticism of the romantic movement in Germany, Runge became a central figure of romantic painting....

Brahm, Otto

(Encyclopedia)Brahm, Otto ôˈtō bräm [key], 1856–1912, German theatrical director, manager and critic. Inspired by the work of Antoine in Paris, he founded a theater, the Freie Bühne, in Berlin in 1889. There...

Warburg, Otto Heinrich

(Encyclopedia)Warburg, Otto Heinrich ŏtˈō hīnˈrĭkh värˈbo͝orkh [key], 1883–1970, German physiologist. He was director (1931–53) of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (now Max Planck Institute) for cell physi...

Winzer, Otto

(Encyclopedia)Winzer, Otto ôˈtō vĭntsˈər [key], 1902–75, East German political leader. A member of the German Communist party from 1925, he left Germany in 1935 during the Hitler era and returned after Worl...

Ladd, George Trumbull

(Encyclopedia)Ladd, George Trumbull, 1842–1921, American philosopher, b. Painesville, Ohio, grad. Western Reserve Univ., 1864, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1869. He taught at Yale from 1881 until his retirem...


(Encyclopedia)Otho. For German rulers thus named, use Otto.

Loewi, Otto

(Encyclopedia)Loewi, Otto lōˈē [key], 1873–1961, American physiologist and pharmacologist, b. Frankfurt, Germany. He was professor of pharmacology (1909–38) at the Univ. of Graz, Austria, until forced into e...

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