Columbia Encyclopedia

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Ibrahim Pasha

(Encyclopedia)Ibrahim Pasha ēbrähēmˈ päˈshä [key], 1789–1848, Egyptian general. He was the eldest son of Muhammad Ali, governor of Egypt under the Ottoman Empire. Ibrahim conducted (1816–19) largely succ...


(Encyclopedia)Ismailia äl ĭsmăĭlēˈyə [key], city (1986 est. pop. 212,759), capital of Ismailia governorate, NE Egypt. It is the seat of the Suez Canal administration. Extensive irrigation is used for growing...

Bet Shean

(Encyclopedia)Bet Shean bāt shĭänˈ [key], town, NE Israel, in the Jordan River valley, c.300 ft (90 m) below ...

Ptolemy IV

(Encyclopedia)Ptolemy IV (Ptolemy Philopator) fĭlŏpˈətər [key], king of ancient Egypt (221–205 b.c.), of the Macedonian dynasty, son of Ptolemy III and Berenice of Cyrene. He had his mother, his brother, his...


(Encyclopedia)Enlil ĕnlĭlˈ [key], ancient earth god of Sumerian origin, worshiped in Babylonian religion. With the sky god Anu and the water god Ea, he formed the great divine triad. Enlil, also referred to as B...


(Encyclopedia)rationalism [Lat.,=belonging to reason], in philosophy, a theory that holds that reason alone, unaided by experience, can arrive at basic truth regarding the world. Associated with rationalism is the ...


(Encyclopedia)Liber līˈbər [key], in Roman religion, god of fertility and wine. He was usually identified with Bacchus, the Latin equivalent of Dionysus. His consort Libera was identified with Persephone or Aria...

Scientology, Church of

(Encyclopedia)Scientology, Church of, philosophical religion founded by L(afayette) Ron(ald) Hubbard, 1911–86, b. Tilden, Nebr. Hubbard's book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (1950) first set forth...


(Encyclopedia)Iamblichus īămˈblĭkəs [key], d. c.330, Syrian philosopher, a leading exponent of Neoplatonism. A pupil of Porphyry, he was deeply impressed by the doctrines of Plotinus. In his own teachings he c...


(Encyclopedia)basenji bəsĕnˈjē [key], breed of medium-sized hound whose origins can be traced back several thousand years to Africa and the courts of the Egyptian pharaohs. It stands about 17 in. (43.2 cm) high...

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