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500 results found

Qantarah esh Sharqiya

(Encyclopedia)Qantarah esh Sharqiya känˈtärä ĕsh shärkēˈyä [key], town, NE Egypt, on the east bank of the Suez Canal. It is on the ancient military road between Egypt and Syria. Qantarah esh Sharqiya is th...

Hermopolis Magna

(Encyclopedia)Hermopolis Magna hərmŏpˈəlĭs măgˈnə [key], ancient city, central Egypt, on the Nile and near the modern Ashmunein. It was the chief seat for the worship of Thoth. At the modern Tunneh el Gebel...

Ptolemy III

(Encyclopedia)Ptolemy III (Ptolemy Euergetes) yo͞oûrˈjĭtēz [key], d. 221 b.c., king of ancient Egypt (246–221 b.c.), of the Macedonian dynasty, son of Ptolemy II and the first Arsinoë. He plunged immediatel...


(Encyclopedia)Menes mēˈnēz [key], fl. 3200 b.c., king of ancient Egypt, of the first dynasty, the first Egyptian ruler for whom there are historical records. According to tradition, he seems to have united the s...

Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst

(Encyclopedia)Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst frēˈdrĭkh däˈnyĕl ĕrnst shlīˈərmäkhˌər [key], 1768–1834, German Protestant theologian, b. Breslau. He broke away from the Moravian Church and stud...


(Encyclopedia)incarnation, the assumption of human form by a god, an idea common in religion. In early times the idea was expressed in the belief that certain living men, often kings or priests, were divine incarna...

Banna, Hasan al-

(Encyclopedia)Banna, Hasan al- häsˈsän äl-bänˈnə [key], 1906–49, Egyptian religious and political leader; founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. He was involved with traditional Islamic education in Egypt. In ...

Buber, Martin

(Encyclopedia)Buber, Martin bo͞oˈbĕr [key], 1878–1965, Jewish philosopher, b. Vienna. Educated at German ...


(Encyclopedia)apostasy, in religion: see heresy. ...

Neander, Johann August Wilhelm

(Encyclopedia)Neander, Johann August Wilhelm yōˈhän ouˈgo͝ost vĭlˈhĕlm nāänˈdər [key], 1789–1850, German theologian and church historian. Of Jewish parentage, he became a Lutheran (1806), changing his...

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