Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Cierva, Juan de la

(Encyclopedia)Cierva, Juan de la hwän dā lä thyārˈvä [key], 1895–1936, Spanish aeronautical engineer, inventor of a rotary-wing aircraft called an autogiro. He flew his first autogiro in 1923 and crossed th...

Cap de la Madeleine

(Encyclopedia)Cap de la Madeleine käp də lä mädlĕnˈ [key], city, S Que., Canada, at the confluence of the St. Maurice and St....

Gance, Abel

(Encyclopedia)Gance, Abel, 1889–1981, pioneering French filmmaker. He acted on the stage in the early 1900s and appeared on the silent screen. From 1911 he wrote and directed several films; his first important fi...

Palos de la Frontera

(Encyclopedia)Palos de la Frontera päˈlōs dā lä frōntāˈrä [key], town Huelva prov., SW Spain, in Andalusia, on the Tinto River near its mouth. From its port (now silted up), Columbus sailed on his first vo...

Bouguer, Pierre

(Encyclopedia)Bouguer, Pierre pyĕr bo͞ogĕrˈ [key], 1698–1758, French mathematician and hydrographer. He made some of the first photometric measurements, calculating the intensity of the light of the sun as co...

Blanc, Louis

(Encyclopedia)Blanc, Louis lwē bläN [key], 1811–82, French socialist politician and journalist and historian. In his noted Organisation du travail (1840, tr. Organization of Work, 1911), he outlined his ideal o...


(Encyclopedia)Parras dā lä fwānˈtā [key], city (1990 pop. 26,160), Coahuila state, N Mexico. It is a road and rail junction located in a well-watered valley of a semiarid region. Parras, an agricultural center...

Saint-Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de

(Encyclopedia)Saint-Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de klōd äNrē də ro͞ovrwäˈ kôNt də săN-sēmôNˈ [key], 1760–1825, French social philosopher; grand nephew of Louis de Rouvroy, duc de Saint-Simo...

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