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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Mikkeli mĭkˈkĕlē [key], Swed. Sankt Michel, city (1996 pop. 32,797), capital of Eastern Finland prov., S central Finland. It is in the Saimaa lake region and is an important lake port, commercial ...

Bayle, Pierre

(Encyclopedia)Bayle, Pierre pyĕr bāl [key], 1647–1706, French philosopher. Born a Huguenot, he converted to Roman Catholicism and then returned to Protestantism. To avoid French intolerance of Protestants, he m...

Hennepin, Louis

(Encyclopedia)Hennepin, Louis hĕnˈəpĭn [key], 1640–1701?, French cleric and explorer in North America. A Franciscan Recollect friar, Hennepin came to Canada in 1675, meeting on the journey La Salle, who made ...

Aco, Michel

(Encyclopedia)Aco or Accault, Michel both: mēshĕlˈ äkōˈ [key], fl. 1680–1702, French explorer. He became La Salle's lieutenant, being favored by that explorer because of his courage, prudence, and wide acqu...

Temer, Michel

(Encyclopedia)Temer, Michel (Michel Miguel Elias Temer Lulia), 1940–, Brazilian political leader. The son of Lebanese immigrants, he studied law at the Univ. of São Paolo and the Pontifical Univ. of São Paolo, ...

Moïse, Jovenel

(Encyclopedia)Moïse, Jovenel, 1968–, Haitian business executive, president of Haiti (2017–). A successful banana exporter and a member of the Haitian Tèt Kale party, but a political novice, he was President M...


(Encyclopedia)Clodion klōd mēshĕlˈ [key], 1738–1814, French rococo sculptor. He executed several important commissions under Louis XVI but is best remembered for his bas-reliefs and small figure groups in bro...


(Encyclopedia)Avranches ävräNshˈ [key], town, Manche dept., NW France, in Normandy, on the English Channel. Because of its proximity to the rocky island of Mont-Saint-Michel, Avranch...

Kaye, Nora

(Encyclopedia)Kaye, Nora (Nora Koreff), 1920–87, American ballerina, b. New York City. Kaye studied with Michel Fokine and Antony Tudor. She joined the Ballet Theatre in 1940 and scored a major triumph in 1942 in...

Basquiat, Jean-Michel

(Encyclopedia)Basquiat, Jean-Michel bäsˌkē-ätˈ [key], 1960–88, American painter, b. Brooklyn, N.Y. Born into a middle-class Haitian and Puerto Rican family, he was a 1980s art star whose rise and fall were r...

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