Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Smith, Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Smith, Joseph, 1805–44, American Mormon leader, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, b. Sharon, Vt. When he was a boy his family moved to Palmyra, N.Y., where he experienc...

Mobile, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Mobile mōbēlˈ, mōˈbēlˌ [key], city (1990 pop. 196,278), seat of Mobile co., SW Ala., at the head of Mobile Bay and at the mouth of the Mobile River; inc. 1814. Lying on one of the continent's g...

Toledo , city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Toledo təlēˈdō [key], city (1990 pop. 332,943), seat of Lucas co., NW Ohio, on the Maumee River at its junction with Lake Erie; inc. 1837. With a natural harbor and its railroads and highways, Tol...

botanical garden

(Encyclopedia)botanical garden, public place in which plants are grown both for display and for scientific study. An arboretum is a botanical garden devoted chiefly to the growing of woody plants. The plants in bot...

Venezuela Boundary Dispute

(Encyclopedia)Venezuela Boundary Dispute, diplomatic controversy, notable for the tension caused between Great Britain and the United States during much of the 19th cent. Of long standing, the dispute concerned the...

Mansfield, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia)Mansfield. 1 Town (1990 pop. 20,634), Tolland co., NE Conn.; settled c.1692, inc. 1702. It is an agricultural and manufacturing town. The Univ. of Connecticut is in Storrs, which is included within Ma...

Cairo, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Cairo kāˈrō, kâˈrō [key], city (2020 pop. 1,878), seat of Alexander co., extreme S Ill., on a ...

Bedford, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia)Bedford. 1 City (2020 pop. 13,068), seat of Lawrence co., S Ind.; inc. 1889. Bedford limestone, quarried there and shipped all over the world, was ...

Camden, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Camden, city (2020 pop. 71,791), seat of Camden co., W N.J., a port on the Delaware River opposite Philadelphia, settled 1681, inc. 1828. The opening of...

Pontiac, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Pontiac, industrial city (1990 pop. 71,166), seat of Oakland co., SE Mich., on the Clinton River; founded 1818 by promoters from Detroit, inc. as a city 1861. Industries developed early and expanded a...

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