Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Dingell, John David, Jr.

(Encyclopedia)Dingell, John David, Jr., 1928–2019, American congressman, b. Colorado Springs, Colo.; grad. Georgetown Univ. (B.S., 1949; J.D., 1952). He served in the Army (1944–46) and after a brief career in ...

Broad, Eli

(Encyclopedia) Broad, Eli, 1933-2021, American financier and philanthropist, Bronx, N.Y., Michigan State College (BA, 1954). Broad was the son of poor Lithuania-Jewis...

Indiana, state, United States

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Indiana, midwestern state in the N central United States. It is bordered by Lake Michigan and the state of Michigan (N), Ohio (E), Kentucky, across the Ohio River (S), and Illinois (W). Indu...


(Encyclopedia)cuesta kwĕsˈtə [key], asymmetric ridge characterized by a short, steep escarpment on one side, and a long, gentle slope on the other. The steep side exposes the edge of erosion-resistant rock layer...

Fromm, Erich

(Encyclopedia)Fromm, Erich ĕrˈĭkh frōm, frŏm [key], 1900–1980, psychoanalyst and author, b. Frankfurt, Germany, Ph.D. Univ. of Heidelberg, 1922. From 1929 to 1932 he lectured at the Psychoanalytic Institute,...

Christian Reformed Church

(Encyclopedia)Christian Reformed Church, denomination formed after the secession of a group from the Reformed Church in America in 1857. Colonists from Holland who began settling in Michigan in 1846 generally becam...

Just, Ward

(Encyclopedia)Just, Ward, 1935–2019, American writer, b. Michigan City, Ind. Just worked for several newspapers and magazines before being hired (1965) by the Washington Post, for which he covered Washington poli...


(Encyclopedia)Evanston. <1> Residential city (2020 pop. 78,110), Cook co., NE Ill., on Lake Michigan; settled 1826, inc. 1892. A largely residential suburb ...


(Encyclopedia)Portage [1,] [2] pôrˈtəj; [3] pôrˈtĭj [key]. 1 Town (1990 pop. 29,060), Porter co., NW Ind., a suburb of Gary, on Lake Michigan; inc. 1959. The town, which was once surrounded by great industrie...

Rust Belt

(Encyclopedia)Rust Belt or Rustbelt, economic region in the NE quadrant of the United States, focused on the Midwestern (see Midwest) states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio, as well as Pennsylvania. The te...

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