Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)gadolinium gădəlĭnˈēəm [key], metallic chemical element; symbol Gd; at. no. 64; at. wt. 157.25; m.p. 1,312℃; b.p. 3,233℃; sp. gr. 7.898 at 25℃; valence +3. Gadolinium is a malleable, ducti...

white dwarf

(Encyclopedia)white dwarf, in astronomy, a type of star that is abnormally faint for its white-hot temperature (see mass-luminosity relation). Typically, a white dwarf star has the mass of the sun and the radius of...


(Encyclopedia)manueline mənwĕlˈēn, –īn [key], sumptuous, composite Portuguese style of architectural ornamentation of the early 16th cent. It combined contemporary Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, and Flemish e...

Maes, Nicolaes

(Encyclopedia)Maes or Maas, Nicolaes both: nēˈkōläs mäs [key], 1632–93, Dutch genre and portrait painter. His earlier genre pictures bear, in their manner and coloring, a certain resemblance to those of his ...

International Fund for Agricultural Development

(Encyclopedia)International Fund for Agricultural Development(IFAD), specialized agency of the United Nations with headquarters in Rome, Italy. IFAD grew out of the 1974 World Food Conference; it was established in...

Hilton, Walter

(Encyclopedia)Hilton, Walter, d. 1396, English religious writer, an Austin canon of Thurgarton, Nottinghamshire. His spiritual treatise The Scale of Perfection (ed. by Evelyn Underhill, 1923) is a general manual fo...

Jayawardene, Junius Richard

(Encyclopedia)Jayawardene, Junius Richard jīˌəwärˈdēn [key], 1906–96, prime minister (1977–78) and president (1978–88) of Sri Lanka. Active in Sri Lankan politics since the early 1940s, he was a foundin...


(Encyclopedia)ormolu ôrˈməlo͞o [key], finish used on metal to imitate gold. It is employed chiefly for furniture mountings. The term originally applied to a coating of ground gold and was extended to alloys of ...

Corn Belt

(Encyclopedia)Corn Belt, major agricultural region of the U.S. Midwest where corn acreage once exceeded that of any other crop. It is now commonly called the Feed Grains and Livestock Belt. Located in the north cen...


(Encyclopedia)G, 7th letter of the alphabet. It is a usual symbol for a voiced velar stop, as in the English go. It was originally a differentiated form of Greek gamma, which has C as its formal Roman correspondent...

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