Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Sierra Nevada, mountain range, Spain

(Encyclopedia)Sierra Nevada syāˈrä nāväˈᵺä [key], chief mountain range of S Spain, in Granada prov., running from east to west for c.60 mi (100 km), parallel to the Mediterranean Sea. The range's highest p...

College Park

(Encyclopedia)College Park. 1 City (2020 pop. 15,053), Clayton and Fulton counties, NW Ga., a residential suburb of Atlanta; inc. 1891. Georgia Military Academy (1900...


(Encyclopedia)Athabasca ăthəbăsˈkə [key], river, 765 mi (1,231 km) long, rising in the Columbia snowfield of the Canadian Rockies near the Alta.–British Columbia line and flowing N through Jasper National Pa...


(Encyclopedia)Exmoor, high moorland of the Cornwall peninsula, SW England, comprising much of Exmoor National Park (265 sq mi/686 sq km; est. 1954). Underlaid by slate and sandstone, the rugged region with wooded g...

Hawaii, island, United States

(Encyclopedia)Hawaii, island (2020 pop. 200, 629), 4,037 sq mi (10,456 sq km), largest and southernmost island of the state of Hawaii and coextensive with Hawaii co.;...

Moon Jae-in

(Encyclopedia)Moon Jae-in, 1953–, South Korean political leader, president of South Korea (2017–). The son of North Korean refugees, Moon studied law at Kyung Hee Univ. but was expelled twice for organizing dem...

Villarrica volcano, Chile

(Encyclopedia)Villarrica vēˌyärēˈkä [key], active volcano, 9,338 ft (2,847 m), Cautín prov., S central Chile, in the Andes on the SE shore of Lake Villarrica, 60 mi (97 km) SE of Temuco. It is protected by V...


(Encyclopedia)Siebengebirge zēˈbəngəbĭrˌgə [key] [Ger.,=seven mountains], small wooded range of the Rhenish Slate Mts., W Germany. Of volcanic origin, it extends for c.10 mi (16 km) S of Bonn along the Rhine...

National Symphony Orchestra

(Encyclopedia)National Symphony Orchestra (NSO), Washington, D.C., founded in 1931 by Hans Kindler, who conducted the orchestra until 1949. Its first home was Constitution Hall; since 1986 it has been affiliated wi...

Outer Barrier

(Encyclopedia)Outer Barrier, series of sandy barrier islands or offshore bars, extending c.75 mi (120 km) along the south shore of Long Island, SE N.Y., from Rockaway Beach at the west to the east end of Shinnecock...

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