Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Machen, John Gresham

(Encyclopedia)Machen, John Gresham grĕˈsəm māˈchən [key], 1881–1937, American Presbyterian clergyman, b. Baltimore. Ordained a Presbyterian minister in 1914, he became a leader of the fundamentalists in his...

Dabo, Leon

(Encyclopedia)Dabo, Leon däˈbō [key], 1868–1960, American painter, b. Detroit. He worked with John La Farge, studied in Paris under Puvis de Chavannes, and was influenced by Whistler and by Japanese landscape ...

Canaday, John

(Encyclopedia)Canaday, John kănˈədāˌ, –dē [key], 1907–85, American art critic, b. Fort Scott, Kans. A columnist for the New York Times, Canaday was noted for taking conservative positions in the art world...

Pynchon, John

(Encyclopedia)Pynchon, John pĭnˈchən [key], c.1626–1703, American colonist and merchant, b. England; son of William Pynchon. He emigrated to Massachusetts Bay colony with his father in 1630. When his father re...

O'Connor, John Joseph

(Encyclopedia)O'Connor, John Joseph, 1920–2000, American Roman Catholic cardinal, b. Philadelphia. He was ordained a priest in 1945 and served as a military chaplain for 27 years, achieving the rank of rear admir...


(Encyclopedia)woodpecker, common name for members of the Picidae, a large family of climbing birds found in most parts of the world. Woodpeckers typically have sharp, chisellike bills for pecking holes in tree trun...

sun grebe

(Encyclopedia)sun grebe, common name for a tropical, mainly aquatic bird of the family Heliornithidae. Sun grebes, also called finfoots, are remarkable for their colorful, puffy-toed, webbed feet, which may serve a...


(Encyclopedia)Adrogué älmēränˈtā [key], city, Buenos Aires prov., E Argentina. It was settled in 1873 by families fleeing a yellow fever epidemic in the city of Buenos Aires. It w...


(Encyclopedia)siderite kălˈĭbīt [key], a mineral, varying in color from brown, green, or gray to black and occurring in nature in massive and crystalline form. A carbonate of iron, FeCO3, it serves as an iron o...

McMaster, John Bach

(Encyclopedia)McMaster, John Bach, 1852–1932, American historian, b. Brooklyn, N.Y. Having practiced engineering in New York City and written two books, McMaster was appointed (1877) an instructor in civil engine...

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