Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Truth, Sojourner

(Encyclopedia)Truth, Sojourner, c.1797–1883, American abolitionist, a freed slave, originally called Isabella, b. Ulster co., N.Y. Convinced that she heard heavenly...

Garrison, William Lloyd

(Encyclopedia)Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805–79, American abolitionist, b. Newburyport, Mass. He supplemented his limited schooling with newspaper work and in 1829 went to Baltimore to aid Benjamin Lundy in publis...

Scott, James Brown

(Encyclopedia)Scott, James Brown, 1866–1943, American lawyer and educator, b. Ontario. He studied international law at Harvard and at Berlin, Heidelberg, and Paris. He was dean of the law schools of the Univ. of ...

Lundy's Lane

(Encyclopedia)Lundy's Lane, locality in S Ontario just W of the Niagara Falls, scene of a stubborn engagement of the War of 1812, fought July 25, 1814. The American forces commanded by Gen. Winfield Scott and led b...

Hay, John Milton

(Encyclopedia)Hay, John Milton, 1838–1905, American author and statesman who was an important political figure from the mid-19th cent. into the early 20th cent.; b. Salem, Ind., grad. Brown. He practiced law at S...

Howe, Julia Ward

(Encyclopedia)Howe, Julia Ward, 1819–1910, American author and social reformer, b. New York City. Although unhappily married, she assisted her husband, Samuel Gridley Howe, in his philanthropic projects and in ed...

Burns, John

(Encyclopedia)Burns, John, 1858–1943, British union leader and politician. A factory worker as a child, he was largely self-educated and was led by his reading to radical socialism. Burns became an outstanding or...

Slye, Maud

(Encyclopedia)Slye, Maud slī [key], 1879–1954, American pathologist, b. Minneapolis, grad. Brown, 1899. At the Univ. of Chicago she taught pathology, becoming professor emeritus in 1945, and was a member (1911...


(Encyclopedia)copaiba kōpāˈbə, –pīˈ– [key], oleoresin (see resin) obtained from several species of tropical South American trees of the genus Copaifera. The thick, transparent exudate varies in color from...


(Encyclopedia)Quincy. 1 kwĭnˈzē [key] City (1990 pop. 84,985), Norfolk co., E Mass., a suburb of Boston, on Boston Bay; settled 1634, set off from Braintree 1792, inc. as a city 1888. It has plants that make pow...

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