Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Lyon, Matthew

(Encyclopedia)Lyon, Matthew, 1750–1822, American political leader and pioneer, b. Co. Wicklow, Ireland. He emigrated to America in 1765, settling eventually in Vermont. During the American Revolution he served wi...

M'Carthy, Justin

(Encyclopedia)M'Carthy, Justin, 1830–1912, Irish historian, politician, and novelist. After a long career in journalism, he entered the British Parliament in 1879, advocating home rule for Ireland. He was at firs...


(Encyclopedia)Killarney, town (1991 pop. 7,274), Co. Kerry, SW Republic of Ireland. The town, which has mineral-water bottling, footwear, lace, hosiery, woolens, and ornamental ironwork industries, is also a touris...

Kenrick, Francis Patrick

(Encyclopedia)Kenrick, Francis Patrick, 1797–1863, American Roman Catholic churchman, b. Dublin, Ireland, educated in Rome. In 1821 he was ordained priest and went to America to teach in the college at Bardstown,...

Muldoon, Paul

(Encyclopedia)Muldoon, Paul, 1951–, Irish poet, b. Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland, B.A. Queen's Univ., Belfast, 1973. Muldoon worked as an arts producer for the BBC (1973–86), then taught at the Univ. of East Ang...

Mulholland, William

(Encyclopedia)Mulholland, William, 1855–1935, American engineer, b. Belfast, Ireland. He arrived in Los Angeles in 1877, becoming a laborer for the local water company. Despite his lack of formal training, he eve...

Montgomery, Richard

(Encyclopedia)Montgomery, Richard, 1738?–1775, American Revolutionary general, b. Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland. After entering the British army, he was sent (1757) to Canada in the French and Indian Wars and saw a...

Abbey Theatre

(Encyclopedia)Abbey Theatre, Irish theatrical company devoted primarily to indigenous drama. W. B. Yeats was a leader in founding (1902) the Irish National Theatre Society with Lady Gregory, J. M. Synge, and A. E. ...

Tennent, Gilbert

(Encyclopedia)Tennent, Gilbert, 1703–64, American Presbyterian clergyman, leading preacher of the Great Awakening, b. Ireland; son of William Tennent. He moved with his parents to Pennsylvania c.1718. Installed a...

Willibrord, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Willibrord, Saint wĭˈlĭbrôrd [key], 658–739, English Benedictine missionary, called the Apostle to the Frisians. He was brought up at Ripon by St. Wilfrid and studied further (678–90) in Irela...

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