Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Chester, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Chester, city (2020 pop. 32,605), Delaware co., SE Pa., on the Delaware River south of Philadelphia; settled c.1644 by Swedes, inc. as a city 1866. A po...

Lowden, Frank Orren

(Encyclopedia)Lowden, Frank Orren, 1861–1943, American political leader, b. Chisago co., Minn. He practiced law in Chicago after 1887 and gained extensive agricultural holdings in Illinois. A leading member of th...

Miami, indigenous people of North America

(Encyclopedia)Miami mīămˈē, –ə [key], group of Native Americans of the Algonquian branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic stock (see Native American languages). They shared the cultural traits of the Ea...

Black Hawk War

(Encyclopedia)Black Hawk War, conflict between the Sac and Fox and the United States in 1832. After the War of 1812, whites settling the Illinois country exerted pressure on the Native Americans. A treaty of 1804, ...

Malte-Brun, Conrad

(Encyclopedia)Malte-Brun, Conrad kônˈräᵺ mälˈtə-bro͞onˌ, Fr. mältə-brôNˈ [key], 1775–1826, Danish geographer, b. Jutland but later settled in Paris; originally named Malthe Konrad Bruun. He is respo...

Canton, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia)Canton. 1 City (2020 pop. 13,098), Fulton co., W central Ill., in the corn belt; inc. 1849. It is a trade and industrial center for a coal and ...

Colima, state, Mexico

(Encyclopedia)Colima kōlēˈmä [key], state, 2,010 sq mi (5,206 sq km), SW Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. ...

Maury, Matthew Fontaine

(Encyclopedia)Maury, Matthew Fontaine fŏntānˈ môrˈē [key], 1806–73, American hydrographer and naval officer, b. near Fredericksburg, Va. Appointed a midshipman in 1825, he saw varied sea duty until a stagec...


(Encyclopedia)dialect, variety of a language used by a group of speakers within a particular speech community. Every individual speaks a variety of his language, termed an idiolect. Dialects are groups of idiolects...

Daley, Richard Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Daley, Richard Joseph, 1902–76, U.S. political leader, b. Chicago. Admitted to the bar in 1933, he entered politics and served as a Democrat in the state assembly (1936–38) and the state senate (1...

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