Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Haidar Ali

(Encyclopedia)Haidar Ali or Hyder Ali both: hīˈdər älēˈ [key], 1722–82, Indian ruler. A Muslim of peasant stock, he rose by military brilliance to command the army of the Hindu state of Mysore. By 1761 he w...


(Encyclopedia)Junagadh –gärˌ [key], former principality, Kathiawar peninsula, W India, on the Arabian Sea. The region of Junagadh became a district of Gujarat state in 1960. Grains, cotton, sugarcane, and oilse...

Badakhshan, province, Afghanistan

(Encyclopedia)Badakhshan bädäkhshänˈ, bədəkhshänˈ [key], province (1979 est. pop. 497,000), 17,011 sq mi (44,059 sq km), extreme NE Afghanistan, between the Hindu Kush Mts. and the Amu Darya River. The capi...

Heidegger, Martin

(Encyclopedia)Heidegger, Martin märˈtēn hīˈdĕger [key], 1889–1976, German philosopher. As a student at Freiburg, Heidegger was influenced by the neo-Kantianism of Heinrich Rickert and the phenomenology of E...

Descartes, René

(Encyclopedia)Descartes, René rənāˈ dākärtˈ [key], Lat. Renatus Cartesius, 1596–1650, French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist, b. La Haye. Descartes' methodology was a major influence in the trans...


(Encyclopedia)scholasticism skōlăsˈtĭsĭzəm [key], philosophy and theology of Western Christendom in the Middle Ages. Virtually all medieval philosophers of any significance were theologians, and their philoso...

Mansel, Henry Longueville

(Encyclopedia)Mansel, Henry Longueville mănˈsəl [key], 1820–71, English philosopher and theologian. A disciple of Sir William Hamilton, he systematized his teacher's conception of the relativity of knowledge, ...


(Encyclopedia)Nahmanides nähmänˈĭdēz [key], 1194–c.1270, Jewish scholar, exegete, and kabbalist, b. Spain. He wrote commentaries on the Hebrew Bible and the Talmud. A mystic, he rejected part of Maimonides' ...

King, Henry Churchill

(Encyclopedia)King, Henry Churchill, 1858–1934, American theologian and educator, b. Hillsdale, Mich. At Oberlin from 1884, he taught in succession mathematics, philosophy, and theology. He was president of the c...

Kerschensteiner, Georg Michael

(Encyclopedia)Kerschensteiner, Georg Michael gēˈôrg mĭshˈal kârˈshan-shtīˌnûr [key], 1854–1932, German educational theorist. Educated in Munich, he taught math in Nuremberg and Schweinfurt, he was direc...

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