Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)science [Lat. scientia=knowledge]. For many the term science refers to the organized body of knowledge concerning the physical world, both animate and inanimate, but a proper definition would also hav...

Gárdonyi, Géza

(Encyclopedia)Gárdonyi, Géza gāˈzə gärˈdōnyē [key], 1863–1922, Hungarian writer. Gárdonyi first attracted attention with a cycle of satirical novels about peasant life. His works include the play Wine (...

Kames, Henry Home, Lord

(Encyclopedia)Kames, Henry Home, Lord hyo͞om [key], 1696–1782, Scottish judge and philosopher. A man of broad interests and a wide-ranging intellect, his works included dissertations on Scottish law, agriculture...

Feyjóo y Montenegro, Benito Gerónimo

(Encyclopedia)Feyjóo y Montenegro, Benito Gerónimo bānēˈtō hārōˈnēmō fāēhōˈō ē mōntānāˈgrō [key], 1676–1764, Spanish Benedictine scholar and critic, abbot at Oviedo, Asturias. Feyjóo led in...

Seillière, Ernest, Baron

(Encyclopedia)Seillière, Ernest, Baron ĕrnĕstˈ bärôNˈ sāyĕrˈ [key], 1866–1955, French critic and philosopher. He is best known as an opponent of romanticism and for his philosophy of “imperialism.” ...

Salamanca, University of

(Encyclopedia)Salamanca, University of, at Salamanca, Spain; founded 1218 by Alfonso IX of León, reorganized 1254 by Alfonso X of Castile and León. It has faculties of philosophy, philology, geography and history...

Thomas Aquinas, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Thomas Aquinas, Saint əkwīˈnəs [key] [Lat.,=from Aquino], 1225–74, Italian philosopher and theologian, Doctor of the Church, known as the Angelic Doctor, b. Rocca Secca (near Naples). He is the ...

Harsha, Indian emperor

(Encyclopedia)Harsha hûrˈshə [key], b. c.590, Indian emperor (606–47). He became (606) king of a small state in the upper Ganges Valley, and by 612 he had built up a vast army with which he forged nearly all I...


(Encyclopedia)mandala mŭnˈdələ [key], [Skt.,=circular, round] a concentric diagram having spiritual and ritual significance in Hindu and Buddhist Tantrism. The mandala may have derived from the circular stupa a...


(Encyclopedia)Madurai mədo͝orīˈ [key], city (1991 pop. 1,085,914), Tamil Nadu state, S India, on the Vaigai River. It is known as the “city of festivals and temples” and is the second largest city in Tamil ...

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