Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Zeno of Citium

(Encyclopedia)Zeno of Citium zēˈnō, sĭshˈēəm [key], c.334–c.262 b.c., Greek philosopher, founder of Stoicism. He left Cyprus and went to Athens, where he studied under the Cynics, whose teachings left an i...

Schopenhauer, Arthur

(Encyclopedia)Schopenhauer, Arthur ärˈto͝or shōˈpənhouˌər [key], 1788–1860, German philosopher, b. Danzig (now Gdansk). The bias of his own temperament and experience was germinal to the development of hi...

Merapi, Mount

(Encyclopedia)Merapi, Mount məräˈpē [key] [Indonesian=mountain of fire], volcano, 9,551 ft (2,911 m) high, central Java, Indonesia, 20 mi (32 km) NNE of Yogyakarta. It is the most active of Indonesia's many vol...

Jugnauth, Anerood

(Encyclopedia)Jugnauth, Anerood, 1930–, Mauritian political leader, prime minister of Mauritius (1982–95, 2000–2003, 2014–17). Trained as a lawyer, he was first elected to the National Assembly in 1963 as a...


(Encyclopedia)Banjarmasin or Bandjarmasin both: bänˌjərmäˈsĭn [key], city, capital of Kalimantan ...

Scott, Paul

(Encyclopedia)Scott, Paul (Paul Mark Scott), 1930–78, British author, b. London. He joined the British army in 1940 and served in India, Burma, and Malaya from 1943 to 1946. His observations of the British there ...


(Encyclopedia)Pollonarrua or Polonnaruwa both: pŏlˌənəro͞oˈə [key], ruined ancient city, NE Sri Lanka. Pollonarrua, beautifully situated on a lake, was once the most splendid city of Sri Lanka. It became a r...


(Encyclopedia)Nuristan no͝orĭstănˈ [key] [Persian,=land of light or the enlightened], region on the southern slopes of the Hindu Kush, NE Afghanistan, bordered on the E by Pakistan. Formerly called Kafiristan [...


(Encyclopedia)Vellore vĕlôrˈ [key], city (1991 pop. 310,776), Tamil Nadu state, SE India, on the Palar River. It is a district administrative center and an agricultural market town. In the 18th cent. Vellore was...

Adam's Bridge

(Encyclopedia)Adam's Bridge or Rama's Bridge räˈmə [key], chain of shoals, c.18 mi (30 km) long, SW Palk Strait, between India and island nation of Sri Lanka. At high tide it is covered by c.4 ft (1.2 m) of wate...

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