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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Thebe thēˈbē [key], in astronomy, one of the 39 known moons, or natural satellites, of Jupiter. ...


(Encyclopedia)Thalassa thəlăsˈə, thălˈəsə [key], in astronomy, one of the natural satellites, or moons, of Neptune. ...

Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm

(Encyclopedia)Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm frēdˈrĭkh vĭlˈhĕlm bĕsˈəl [key], 1784–1846, German astronomer and mathematician. He became (1810) director of the new observatory at Königsberg and professor of a...

Bond, William Cranch

(Encyclopedia)Bond, William Cranch, 1789–1859, American astronomer, b. Portland, Maine. He early aided his father in the trades of silversmith and clockmaker in Boston. He soon became an expert in the making of c...

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