Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Crown Point

(Encyclopedia)Crown Point, town, Essex co., NE N.Y., on Lake Champlain. Crown Point is a summer resort on a historic site. A bridge there crosses the lake to Addison,...

Gustavus IV

(Encyclopedia)Gustavus IV, 1778–1837, king of Sweden (1792–1809). On the assassination of his father, Gustavus III, he succeeded under the regency of his uncle, later King Charles XIII, a liberal. Attaining his...

Jomini, Antoine Henri

(Encyclopedia)Jomini, Antoine Henri äNtwänˈ äNrēˈ zhômēnēˈ [key], 1779–1869, Swiss general and military writer. He organized (1799) the militia of the Helvetic Republic and after 1804 served as staff of...

Savary, Anne Jean Marie René

(Encyclopedia)Savary, Anne Jean Marie René än zhäN märēˈ rənāˈ sävärēˈ [key], 1774–1833, French general in the Napoleonic Wars. He presided (1804) at the trial of the duc d'Enghien and was created (1...

Sorel, Georges

(Encyclopedia)Sorel, Georges sôrĕlˈ [key], 1847–1922, French social philosopher. An engineer before he devoted himself to writing, Sorel found in the political and social life of bourgeois democracy the trium...


(Encyclopedia)Saintonge săNtôNzhˈ [key], region of W France, on the Bay of Biscay. It is now part of the Charente-Maritime dept. Cattle and sheep raising, dairying, and the manufacture of cognac from grapes grow...

Delescluze, Louis Charles

(Encyclopedia)Delescluze, Louis Charles lwē shärl dəlāklüzˈ [key], 1809–71, French journalist and radical republican. In his active career he was often in prison or in exile. He supported the July Revolutio...

Brant, Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Brant, Joseph, 1742–1807, chief of the Mohawk. His Mohawk name is usually rendered as Thayendanegea. He served under Sir William Johnson in the French and Indian War, and Johnson sent him (1761) to ...

Miranda, Francisco de

(Encyclopedia)Miranda, Francisco de fränsēˈskō ᵺā mēränˈdä [key], 1750–1816, Venezuelan revolutionist and adventurer. A hero of the struggle for independence from Spain, he is sometimes called the Prec...

French Academy

(Encyclopedia)French Academy (L'Académie française), learned society of France. It is one of the five societies of the Institut de France. The work of the French Academy has chiefly consisted of the preparation...

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