Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Stoss, Veit

(Encyclopedia)Stoss, Veit fīt shtôs [key], c.1445–1533, German sculptor. He worked in Kraków (1477–86, 1488–96) and Nuremberg, his birthplace. The great carved wooden high altar in St. Mary's, Kraków, is ...

Saint Louis

(Encyclopedia)Saint Louis lo͞oˈĭs [key], city (1990 pop. 396,685), independent and in no county, E Mo., on the Mississippi River below the mouth of the Missouri; inc. as a city 1822. St. Louis has long been a ma...

Benedict Biscop

(Encyclopedia)Benedict Biscop bĭsˈkəp [key], c.628–690, English monk. He founded the monasteries of Wearmouth (at Sunderland) and Jarrow, and he was abbot of St. Peter's, Canterbury. Bede was his pupil. ...

Thomas Aquinas, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Thomas Aquinas, Saint əkwīˈnəs [key] [Lat.,=from Aquino], 1225–74, Italian philosopher and theologian, Doctor of the Church, known as the Angelic Doctor, b. Rocca Secca (near Naples). He is the ...

Timothy, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Timothy, Saint, d. c.100, early Christian, addressee of two books of the New Testament. The son of a Greek father and a Jewish mother, he was the friend and companion of St. Paul. He became first bish...

Mary, persons in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Mary, in the New Testament. 1 Mary, the Virgin. 2 Mary Magdalene. 3 Wife of Cleophas. 4 Mary of Bethany, sister of Lazarus and Martha. She sat at Jesus' feet while Martha served. She has come to symbo...


(Encyclopedia)Auxerre ōsĕrˈ [key], town, capital of Yonne dept., N central France, in Burgundy, on the Yonne River. A commercial and industrial center, it has a great variety of manu...

McComb, John

(Encyclopedia)McComb, John, 1763–1853, American architect, b. New York City. He was chiefly known for the New York City Hall (1803–12), one of the finest American buildings of the postcolonial period, designed ...

Sodoma, Il

(Encyclopedia)Sodoma, Il ēl sôˈdōmä [key], c.1477–1549, Sienese painter, whose real name was Giovanni Antonio Bazzi. Born in Vercelli, Piedmont, he went to Rome c.1508. Commissioned by Pope Julius II, he pai...

Song of Solomon

(Encyclopedia)Song of Solomon, Song of Songs, or Canticles, book of the Bible, 22d in the order of the Authorized Version. Although traditionally ascribed to King Solomon, many scholars date it as late as the 3d c...

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