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(Encyclopedia)Chilpancingo ᵺā lōs bräˈvōs [key], city, capital of Guerrero state, S Mexico. Chilpancingo serves as ...

Gioberti, Vincenzo

(Encyclopedia)Gioberti, Vincenzo vēnchānˈtsō jōbĕrˈtē [key], 1801–52, Italian philosopher and political writer, b. Turin. Ordained (1825) a priest, he went into exile (1833–48) in Paris and Brussels bec...

Herzog, Roman

(Encyclopedia)Herzog, Roman, 1934–2017, German political leader and legal scholar. After receiving his doctorate in law from Ludwig Maximilian Univ., Munich (1958), he taught there, at the Free Univ. of Berlin (1...

Itagaki, Taisuke

(Encyclopedia)Itagaki, Taisuke tīˈso͞okē ētäˈgäkē [key], 1837–1919, Japanese statesman. After taking part in the Meiji restoration, he became (1869) a councillor of state. A samurai of Tosa, he opposed d...

Millar, John

(Encyclopedia)Millar, John, 1735–1801, Scottish philosopher and historian. Millar studied at Glasgow, where he became the chief disciple of Adam Smith. In 1761 Millar became professor of civil law at Glasgow, and...

Decazes, Élie

(Encyclopedia)Decazes, Élie ālēˈ dəkäzˈ [key], 1780–1860, French statesman, a favorite of King Louis XVIII, who made him a duke in 1820. A lawyer and judge, Decazes was made minister of police in 1815 and ...

Curtis, George Ticknor

(Encyclopedia)Curtis, George Ticknor, 1812–94, American lawyer and writer, b. Watertown, Mass. A highly successful patent attorney, Curtis served in the Massachusetts legislature (1840–43) and as U.S. commissio...

Waitz, Georg

(Encyclopedia)Waitz, Georg gāˈôrk vīts [key], 1813–86, German historian. In the Frankfurt Parliament in 1848 he defended the idea of a unified Germany, including Austria and Prussia. He was professor at Gött...

William III, king of the Netherlands

(Encyclopedia)William III, 1817–90, king of the Netherlands and grand duke of Luxembourg (1849–90), son and successor of William II. William III ruled as a constitutional monarch, and his long reign was unmarre...

Smith, Goldwin

(Encyclopedia)Smith, Goldwin, 1823–1910, English educator, historian, and journalist. Educated at Oxford, he took a prominent part in executing reforms at the university and became (1858) professor of modern hist...

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