Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Bedlingtonshire, town, Northumberland, NE England. A coal mining region in the 19th cent., its present economy depends upon a variety of light manufacturing. ...


(Encyclopedia)Modoc mōˈdŏk [key], Native North Americans whose language belongs to the Sahaptin-Chinook branch of the Penutian linguistic stock (see Native American languages). They formerly lived in SW Oregon a...

Kino, Eusebio Francisco

(Encyclopedia)Kino, Eusebio Francisco āo͞osāˈbyō fränsēsˈkō kēˈnō [key], c.1644–1711, missionary explorer in the American Southwest, b. Segno, in the Tyrol. He was in 1669 admitted to the Jesuit order...


(Encyclopedia)Paiute pīo͞otˈ [key], two distinct groups of Native North Americans speaking languages belonging to the Shoshonean group of the Uto-Aztecan branch of the Aztec-Tanoan linguistic stock (see Native A...

Nordhaus, William Dabney

(Encyclopedia)Nordhaus, William Dabney, 1941–, American economist, b. Albuquerque, N.Mex., Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967. A professor at Yale since 1967, he has focused on the economic effects...

Laughlin, James Laurence

(Encyclopedia)Laughlin, James Laurence lŏfˈlĭn [key], 1850–1933, American economist, b. Deerfield, Ohio, Ph.D. Harvard, 1876. He was a distinguished teacher, and as head of the department of political economy ...

Jevons, William Stanley

(Encyclopedia)Jevons, William Stanley jĕvˈənz [key], 1835–82, English economist and logician. After working in Australia as assayer to the mint, he taught at Owens College, Manchester, and University College, ...

Pigou, Arthur Cecil

(Encyclopedia)Pigou, Arthur Cecil pĭˈgo͞o [key], 1877–1959, British economist, grad. King's College, Cambridge. He was a lecturer at University College, London, and at Cambridge. He was professor of political ...

Fawcett, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Fawcett, Henry fôˈsət [key], 1833–84, English economist and statesman. A follower of John Stuart Mill, he was professor of political economy at Cambridge, and his Manual of Political Economy (186...

Carey, Henry Charles

(Encyclopedia)Carey, Henry Charles, 1793–1879, American economist, b. Philadelphia; son of Mathew Carey. In 1835 he retired from publishing, where he had done notable work, to devote himself to economics. His Pri...

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