Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Hill, Daniel Harvey

(Encyclopedia)Hill, Daniel Harvey, 1821–89, Confederate general in the American Civil War, b. York District, S.C. He served in the Mexican War but resigned from the army in 1849. He was professor of mathematics a...

Joseph, Nez Percé chief

(Encyclopedia)Joseph (Chief Joseph), c.1840–1904, chief of a group of Nez Percé. On his father's death in 1871, Joseph became leader of one of the groups that refused to leave the land ceded to the United States...

Ryder, Albert Pinkham

(Encyclopedia)Ryder, Albert Pinkham, 1847–1917, American painter, b. New Bedford, Mass. In 1867 his family moved to New York City. There he studied with W. E. Marshall, the engraver, and at the National Academy o...

Randolph, Asa Philip

(Encyclopedia)Randolph, Asa Philip, 1889–1979, U.S. labor leader, b. Crescent City, Fla., attended the College of the City of New York. As a writer and editor of the black magazine The Messenger, which he helped ...

Burnham, Daniel Hudson

(Encyclopedia)Burnham, Daniel Hudson bûrˈnəm [key], 1846–1912, American architect and city planner b. Henderson, N.Y. He was trained in architects' offices in Chicago. In that city he established (1873) a part...

Matsudaira, Tsuneo

(Encyclopedia)Matsudaira, Tsuneo tso͞onāˈō mätso͞odīˈrä [key], 1877–1949, Japanese diplomat. He was much involved in negotiations with the United States and Great Britain and as a delegate to the post–...

Melchers, Gari

(Encyclopedia)Melchers, Gari gârˈē mĕlˈchərz [key], 1860–1932, American figure, genre, and portrait painter, b. Detroit, studied in Düsseldorf and Paris. In Holland he painted the canvases of Dutch peasant...

National Academy of Sciences

(Encyclopedia)National Academy of Sciences, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., a private organization of leading American scientists and engineers devoted to the furtherance of science and its use for the gener...

New Brunswick, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)New Brunswick, city (1990 pop. 41,711), seat of Middlesex co., central N.J., on the Raritan River; settled 1681, inc. as a city 1784. Originally developed as a commercial center (especially for collec...

Keith, William

(Encyclopedia)Keith, William, 1838–1911, American painter, b. Scotland. In 1851 he came to New York City, where he learned wood engraving and did illustrations for Harper's Weekly. He moved to San Francisco in 18...

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