Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Clazomenae kləzŏmˈĭnē [key], ancient city of W Asia Minor, 20 mi (32 km) W of present-day Izmir, Turkey. It was one of the 12 Ionian cities of Asia Minor. The city was founded on the mainland but...

Healy, George Peter Alexander

(Encyclopedia)Healy, George Peter Alexander, 1813–94, American painter, b. Boston. He began painting portraits at the age of 18 and, disregarding background, concentrated on producing a good likeness. Examples of...

Burnes, Sir Alexander

(Encyclopedia)Burnes, Sir Alexander, 1805–41, British traveler in India. As an army officer in India, he studied Asian languages. In 1832 he left Lahore in Afghan dress and traveled by way of Peshawar and Kabul a...


(Encyclopedia)Agis āˈjĭs [key], name of four Spartan kings. Agis I, fl. late 10th cent. b.c., was the traditional founder of the Agiad dynasty, one of the two ruling dynasties of Sparta, which had a dual kingshi...

Ustinov, Sir Peter

(Encyclopedia)Ustinov, Sir Peter (Alexander) yo͞osˈtənôf [key], 1921–2004, English writer, director, and actor, b. London. A witty, charming, and cosmopolitan man, he debuted on the London stage at 18 and sub...

Philip II, king of Macedon

(Encyclopedia)Philip II, 382–336 b.c., king of Macedon (359–336 b.c.), son of Amyntas II. While a hostage in Thebes (367–364), he gained much knowledge of Greece and its people. He was appointed regent for Am...

Rosetti, Constantin

(Encyclopedia)Rosetti, Constantin kŏnstäntēnˈ rōsĕtˈ [key], 1816–85, Romanian statesman, b. Bucharest. A radical editor, he took part in the Revolution of 1848 and subsequently fled to Paris, where he publ...

Ristić, Jovan

(Encyclopedia)Ristić or Ristich, Jovan both: yōˈvän rēˈstĭch [key], 1831–99, Serbian statesman. A leader of the liberal party, he was repeatedly foreign minister and was three times premier (1873, 1878–8...

Stone, Barton Warren

(Encyclopedia)Stone, Barton Warren, 1772–1844, American clergyman of Kentucky. With four other ministers he withdrew from the Presbyterian Church and in 1804 began to form new churches whose members called themse...

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