Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Sobat sōˈbät [key], river, c.200 mi (320 km) long, formed on the Ethiopia–South Sudan border, E Africa, by the confluence of the Baro and Pibor rivers. It flows generally NW through NE South Suda...

Proconsul, in zoology

(Encyclopedia)Proconsul, extinct group of apes. Proconsul fossils have been discovered in E Africa. It had a mixture of ape and Old World monkey characteristics, and lived from 23 to 25 million years ago. ...

Barbary Coast

(Encyclopedia)Barbary Coast bärˈbərē [key], waterfront area of San Francisco, Calif., in the years after the 1849 gold rush. Gamblers, gangsters, prostitutes, and confidence men flourished, and the brothels, sa...


(Encyclopedia)cucumber, fruit of Cucumis sativus, a species of gourd whose many varieties are descended from a plant native to Asia and Africa. Cucumber is classified in the division Magnoliophyta, class Magnoliops...


(Encyclopedia)Grahamstown, city, now part and seat of Makana local municipality, Eastern Cape prov., SE South Africa. It manufactures pottery and is the commercial center for a rich agricultural region. Founded in ...

Harvey, William Henry

(Encyclopedia)Harvey, William Henry, 1811–66, Irish botanist. An authority on algae, he wrote A Manual of the British Algae (1841), Phycologia Britannica (4 vol., 1846–51), and Phycologia Australica (5 vol., 18...


(Encyclopedia)Kyoga or Kioga kyōˈgä [key], lake, c.100 mi (160 km) long, formed by the Victoria Nile, S central Uganda, E Africa. It occupies part of the same depression as Lake Victoria, to which it was once jo...

Kasai, river, Angola

(Encyclopedia)Kasai or Cassai, river, c.1,100 mi (1,800 km) long, rising in central Angola, S central Africa, flowing E, N, and NW through W Congo (Kinshasa) to the Congo River; it forms part of the Angola-Congo bo...

Etosha Game Park

(Encyclopedia)Etosha Game Park ātōˈshä [key], c.26,000 sq mi (67,300 sq km), NW Namibia; est. 1928. It is one of Africa's largest game reserves and extends inland from the coast beyond the Etosha Pan to the Ova...

Petermann, August Heinrich

(Encyclopedia)Petermann, August Heinrich ouˈgo͝ost hīnˈrĭkh pāˈtərmän [key], 1822–78, German geographer, an authority on the geography of Africa and the Arctic. He had (1847–54) a cartographical establ...

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