Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Emmaus, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Emmaus ĕmāˈəs [key], in the Bible. 1 Place, outside Jerusalem, where Cleopas and another disciple met the risen Christ. 2 Place, where Judas Maccabeus defeated Gorgias. It is now called Imwas (Wes...

Fathers of the Church

(Encyclopedia)Fathers of the Church, collective name for the Christian writers of early times whose work is considered generally orthodox. A convenient definition includes all such writers up to and including St. G...

Americas, University of the

(Encyclopedia)Americas, University of the, at Cholula, Puebla, Mexico; founded 1940 as Mexico City College. The school achieved university status in 1963. It has faculties of administration, basic sciences, enginee...

Haran, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Haran hāˈrăn [key], in the Bible. 1 Abraham's brother. 2 Caleb's son. ...

Harsha, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Harsha härˈshə [key], in the Bible, family that returned from the Exile. ...

Anna, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Anna ănˈə [key], [Gr.,=Heb. Hannah], in the Bible. 1 Aged prophetess who hailed Jesus' presentation at the Temple. 2 In the Book of Tobit, the mother of young Tobias. ...

Hebron, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Hebron hēˈbrn [key], in the Bible. 1 A Kohathite descendant of Levi. 2 A name appearing in the genealogical lists of Judah. 3 City, see Hebron, city, West Bank. 4 An unlocated boundary town of N anc...

Ham, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Ham, in the Bible, son of Noah. In biblical ethnography, Ham is the father of the nations Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan. In a story separate from the flood narrative, the legend related in the Book ...

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