Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Eunice, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Eunice yo͞onīˈsē, yo͞oˈnĭs [key], in the New Testament, Timothy's mother, a Christian. ...

Eve, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Eve [Heb.,=life], in the Bible, the first woman, wife of Adam and the mother of Cain, Abel, and Seth. Fashioned from Adam's rib, she was beguiled by the serpent into eating the forbidden fruit of the ...

Ezel, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Ezel ēˈzəl [key], in the Bible, rock where David said farewell to Jonathan. ...

Dothan, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Dothan dōthāˈĭm [key], city, central ancient Palestine, in the uplands NE of Samaria. In the Bible, it was in the vicinity of Dothan that Joseph was sold into slavery and that the Syrians were bli...

Goshen, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Goshen gōˈshən [key], in the Bible. 1 Fertile region of Egypt occupied by the Israelites. 2 Region, S ancient Palestine, conquered by Joshua. 3 Town of Judah. ...

God Save the King

(Encyclopedia)God Save the King (or Queen), the English national anthem. The words and music are both of doubtful origin. The air, possibly derived from a folk tune, has been attributed to Henry Carey (whose claim ...

Gregory the Illuminator, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Gregory the Illuminator, Saint, d. c.330, churchman, called the Apostle of Armenia. He was the first metropolitan of Armenia and is revered as founder of the Armenian Church. Feast: Sept. 30. ...

Hadad, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Hadad hāˈdăd [key], in the Bible. 1 Son of Ishmael. An alternate form is Hadar. 2 King of Edom. 3 Last king of Edom. Hadar is an alternate form. 4 Scion of the kings of Edom, who escaped Joab's mas...

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