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Immigration Milestones

A Nation of Immigrants The U.S. is a nation of immigrants. The first wave of immigrants to colonial America, from England, France, Germany, and other northern European countries, were fleeing…

Jefferson, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Jefferson, Thomas, 1743–1826, 3d President of the United States (1801–9), author of the Declaration of Independence, and apostle of agrarian democracy. After 1809, Jefferson…

Top 150 Greatest Love Stories

Top of Page Love in movies has always been a staple theme for filmmakers. From dramatic love triangles to heartwarming stories of two people falling in love, the movies have provided us with some of…

Washington, George

(Encyclopedia) Washington, George, 1732–99, 1st President of the United States (1789–97), commander in chief of the Continental army in the American Revolution, called the Father of His Country.…

Modern Verse

ContentsThe Little Book of Modern VerseForewordLord of my Heart's Elation (Bliss Carman)Gloucester Moors (William Vaughn Moody)On a Subway Express (Chester Firkins)The Automobile (Percy MacKaye)The…

Georgia, state, United States

(Encyclopedia) CE5 GeorgiaGeorgiajôrˈjə [key], state in the SE United States, the last of the Thirteen Colonies to be founded. It is bordered by Florida (S), Alabama (W), Tennessee and North…

The Triple Crown: Preakness Stakes

For three-year-olds. Held two weeks after the Kentucky Derby at Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore. Inaugurated 1873. Note that the 1918 race was held over…