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Brewer's: Dies Alliensis

(See Alliensis.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Dies IræDiego A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Related…

Brewer's: Dies Iræ

A famous madiæval hymn on the last judgment, probably the composition of Thomas of Celano, a native of Abruzzi, who died in 1255. Sir Walter Scott has introduced the former part of it into…

Brewer's: Dies Non

A non-business day. A law phrase, meaning a day when the courts do not sit, as on Sundays; the Purification, in Hilary term; the Ascension, in Easter term; St. John the Baptist, in Trinity…

Brewer's: Dies Sanguinis

The 24th March, called Bellona's Day, when the Roman votaries of the war-goddess cut themselves and drank the sacrificial blood to propitiate the deity. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Sine Die

(Latin). No time being fixed; indefinitely in regard to time. When a proposal is deferred sine die, it is deferred without fixing a day for its reconsideration, which is virtually “for…

Tomorrow Never Dies

Director: Roger SpottiswoodeWriter: Bruce FeirsteinDirector of Photography:Robert ElswitEditors:Dominique Fortin and Michel ArcandMusic:David ArnoldProduction Designer:Allan CameronProducers:…

Bauer, Otto

(Encyclopedia) Bauer, OttoBauer, Ottobouˈər [key], 1882–1938, Austrian politician. His Die Nationalitätenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie (1907) advocated creating nation-states to solve the Austro-…


(Encyclopedia) embossing, process of producing upon various materials designs or patterns in relief by mechanical means. The material is pressed between a pair of dies especially adapted to its…

Holz, Arno

(Encyclopedia) Holz, ArnoHolz, Arnoärˈnō hôlts [key], 1863–1929, German critic and poet. His influence as a founder of the German naturalist school and as a critic is more important than his work…


(Encyclopedia) ValkyriesValkyriesvălkērˈēz [key], in Germanic mythology, warrior maidens of Odin. They presided over battles, chose those who were to die, and brought the souls of the dead heroes…