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(Encyclopedia) die, any of various devices used for drawing wire, and for blanking, bending, cutting, machine forging, and embossing. Dies used for striking, or stamping, coins and medals are cut in…


(Encyclopedia) die-casting, process by which molten metal is forced by a plunger or compressed air into a metallic die and the pressure maintained until the metal has solidified. Die castings are…

Brücke, Die

(Encyclopedia) Brücke, Die [Ger.,=the bridge], German expressionist art movement, lasting from 1905 to 1913. Influenced by the art of Jugendstil (the German equivalent of art nouveau), Van Gogh, and…


(Encyclopedia) Saint-DiéSaint-DiésăN-dyā [key], city (1990 pop. 23,670), Vosges dept., E France, in Lorraine, on the Meurthe River. It is an industrial center where foundry products, chemical…

Poem: Dying

Poem 99 Poem 101 Dying The sun kept setting, setting still; No hue of afternoon Upon the village I perceived, - From house to house 'twas noon. The dusk kept dropping, dropping still; No…

Brewer's: Die

The die is cast. The step is taken, and I cannot draw back. So said Julius Caesar when he crossed the Rubicon. I have set my life upon the cast, And I will stand the hazard of the die.…

Mombert, Alfred

(Encyclopedia) Mombert, AlfredMombert, Alfredälˈfrĕt mômˈbĕrt [key], 1872–1942, German poet. He was briefly a lawyer and public official. His works, characterized by mysticism, fantasy, and…

The Devil's Dictionary: Die

by Ambrose Bierce DICTIONARYDIGESTIONDIE -n. The singular of "dice." We seldom hear the word, because there is a prohibitory proverb, "Never say die." At long intervals, however, some one…

Tomorrow Never Dies

Director: Roger SpottiswoodeWriter: Bruce FeirsteinDirector of Photography:Robert ElswitEditors:Dominique Fortin and Michel ArcandMusic:David ArnoldProduction Designer:Allan CameronProducers:…

Brewer's: Dying Sayings

(real or traditional): ADAMS (President): “Independence for ever.” ADAMS (John Q. ): “It is the last of earth. I am content.” ADDISON: “See how a Christian dies,” or “See in what peace a…