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(Encyclopedia) arteriosclerosisarteriosclerosisärtĭrˌēōsklərōˈsis [key], general term for a condition characterized by thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of the walls of the blood vessels…

cystic fibrosis

(Encyclopedia) cystic fibrosiscystic fibrosissĭsˈtĭk fībrōˈsĭs [key], inherited disorder of the exocrine glands (see gland), affecting children and young people; median survival is 25 years in…

Women's History Month

Ten Women Nobel Prize Winners in Science Women's History Month Nobel Peace Prize Winners Pulitzer Prize Winners in LiteraturePulitzer Prize Winners in JournalismWomen Rulers of the WorldWomen…

Brewer's: Waters

(Sonitary). For anaemia, Schwalbach, St. Moritz. “ articular rheumatism, Aix les Bains.” “asthma, Mont Dore.” “atonic gout, Royat…

Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis: Airborne Nightmare

Tuberculosis: Airborne Nightmare Tuberculosis Introduction Tuberculosis: Airborne Nightmare Treating TB TB Is a Global Peril TB-causing bacteria is passed from person to person through the…

Alternative Ways to Avoid Obesity

Fun activities for a healthy lifestyle by Elizabeth Olson and Catherine McNiff Related Links Maintain a Healthy Weight Ten Tips for Staying Lean…

The 2005 Class of Inductees

Matthias Baldwin, 1795–1866, Steam Locomotive. Baldwin was the first American to build steam locomotives of the same quality as were made in Europe. His “Old Ironsides” was the first…


(Encyclopedia) zinc, metallic chemical element; symbol Zn; at. no. 30; at. wt. 65.38; m.p. 419.58℃; b.p. 907℃; sp. gr. 7.133 at 25℃; valence +2. Zinc is a lustrous bluish-white metal. It is found in…