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Robbins, Frederick Chapman

(Encyclopedia) Robbins, Frederick Chapman, 1916–2003, American physician, b. Auburn, Ala., grad. Univ. of Missouri, 1938, M.D. Harvard, 1940. He served on the staff of Children's Hospital, Boston,…

Preston, Lewis Thompson

(Encyclopedia) Preston, Lewis Thompson, 1926–95, American financial executive, b. New York City. After serving as a U.S. Marine during World War II and graduating from Harvard (1951), he joined J. P…

Prigogine, Ilya

(Encyclopedia) Prigogine, IlyaPrigogine, Ilyaprĭgˈəjēn [key], 1917–2003, Belgian chemist, b. Moscow. He was raised and educated in Belgium, receiving his doctorate in 1941 and joining the faculty of…

Capecchi, Mario Renato

(Encyclopedia) Capecchi, Mario Renato, 1937–, American geneticist, b. Verona, Italy, Ph.D. Harvard, 1967. On the faculty at Harvard from 1967 to 1973, Capecchi became a professor at the Univ. of Utah…


(Encyclopedia) adenoidsadenoidsădˈənoidzˌ [key], common name for the pharyngeal tonsils, spongy masses of lymphoid tissue that occupy the nasopharynx, the space between the back of the nose and the…

thymus gland

(Encyclopedia) thymus glandthymus glandthīˈməs [key], mass of glandular tissue located in the neck or chest of most vertebrate animals. In humans, the thymus is a soft, flattened, pinkish-gray organ…


(Encyclopedia) OECD: see Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

World Bank

(Encyclopedia) World Bank: see International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

von Braun, Wernher

(Encyclopedia) von Braun, Wernhervon Braun, Wernhervôn broun [key], 1912–77, German-American rocket scientist and astronautics engineer, b. Germany, grad. Berlin Technological Institute (B.S., 1932…