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Brookhaven National Laboratory

(Encyclopedia) Brookhaven National Laboratory, scientific research center, at Upton (town of Brookhaven), Long Island, N.Y. It was founded in 1947 by Associated Universities, a management corporation…


(Encyclopedia) bionics, the study of living systems with the intention of applying their principles to the design of engineering systems. Drawing on interdisciplinary research in the mechanical and…

Theiler, Max

(Encyclopedia) Theiler, MaxTheiler, Maxmäks tīlˈər [key], 1899–1972, South African–American research physician, b. Pretoria, educated at the Univ. of Cape Town, St. Thomas's Hospital (London), and…


(Encyclopedia) TullahomaTullahomatələhōˈmə [key], city (1990 pop. 16,761), Coffee and Franklin counties, central Tenn.; settled c.1850 as a railroad labor camp, inc. 1903. It is an industrial center…

European Economic Community

(Encyclopedia) European Economic Community (EEC), organization established (1958) by a treaty signed in 1957 by Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany (now Germany); it…


(Encyclopedia) EssenesEssenesĕsˈēnz [key], members of a small Jewish religious order, originating in the 2d cent. b.c. The chief sources of information about the Essenes are Pliny the Elder, Philo's…

Guiana Highlands

(Encyclopedia) Guiana Highlands, mountainous tableland, c.1,200 mi (1,930 km) long and from 200 to 600 mi (322–966 km) wide, N South America, bounded by the Orinoco and Amazon river basins, and by…

Draper, John William

(Encyclopedia) Draper, John William, 1811–82, American scientist, philosopher, and historian, b. near Liverpool, England, M.D. Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1836. In 1839 he became professor of chemistry at…

Roux, Pierre Paul Émile

(Encyclopedia) Roux, Pierre Paul ÉmileRoux, Pierre Paul Émilepyĕr pōl āmēlˈ [key]Roux, Pierre Paul Émile r&oomacr; [key], 1853–1933, French physician and bacteriologist. He was a pupil of and…

Romney, George Wilcken

(Encyclopedia) Romney, George WilckenRomney, George Wilckenrŏmˈnē [key], 1907–95, U.S. public official, b. Mexico, of American parents. He worked (1920–30) as a Senate staff tariff specialist and…