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The Least Populous State in the U.S.

The Question: What is the least populous state in the United States? The Answer: According to national census figures, Wyoming is the least populous…

NHL Hockey

 New Jersey (East): New arena for the Devils is stalled in the planning stages. Funding from a new lease on Newark Airport would help pay for the project. Arena would be located in…

Total Players in the NFL

The Question: Could you tell me how many players there are in the National Football League, and what the league's average salary is? The Answer: Each NFL team is…

Computer Virus Timeline

If you own or use a computer, you are vulnerable to malware. Computer viruses are deployed every day in an attempt to wreak havoc, whether it be by stealing your personal…

Uzbekistan Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Uzbekistan Index: People Government and Political Conditions Economy Defense Foreign Relations U.S.-Uzbek Relations PEOPLELocated in the heart of…

David Letterman, 2002 News

late-night talk-show host, flirted with taking his Late Show from CBS to ABC. In attempting to lure Letterman to its network, ABC, which is owned by the Walt Disney Company, considered…

Origin of the Parking Meter

The Question: Who invented the parking meter? The Answer: Carl C. Magee, of Oklahoma City, Okla., is generally credited with originating the idea. As head of the city's chamber of commerce,…