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Sterling Heights, MI Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population124,471100.0SEX AND AGEMale60,97049.0Female63,50151.0Under 5 years7,7296.25 to 9 years8,3266.710 to 14 years8,7587.015 to 19 years8,1536.620 to 24 years7,5956.125…

Taylor, MI Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population65,868100.0SEX AND AGEMale31,76748.2Female34,10151.8Under 5 years4,9257.55 to 9 years5,4018.210 to 14 years4,9217.515 to 19 years4,3096.520 to 24 years4,4826.825 to…

Troy, MI Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population80,959100.0SEX AND AGEMale40,08149.5Female40,87850.5Under 5 years4,9916.25 to 9 years5,9207.310 to 14 years6,3777.915 to 19 years5,5936.920 to 24 years3,7494.625 to…

Warren, MI Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population138,247100.0SEX AND AGEMale67,56048.9Female70,68751.1Under 5 years8,7846.45 to 9 years9,0236.510 to 14 years8,8626.415 to 19 years8,0505.820 to 24 years7,5115.425…

Westland, MI Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population86,602100.0SEX AND AGEMale41,62648.1Female44,97651.9Under 5 years6,0176.95 to 9 years5,8346.710 to 14 years5,3396.215 to 19 years4,9485.720 to 24 years5,8326.725 to…

Kearney, NE Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population27,431100.0SEX AND AGEMale13,18648.1Female14,24551.9Under 5 years1,8366.75 to 9 years1,6035.810 to 14 years1,6275.915 to 19 years2,90710.620 to 24 years4,66717.025…

Lincoln, NE Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population225,581100.0SEX AND AGEMale112,36149.8Female113,22050.2Under 5 years15,1996.75 to 9 years14,2726.310 to 14 years13,8406.115 to 19 years18,4728.220 to 24 years27,…

Omaha, NE Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population390,007100.0SEX AND AGEMale190,03248.7Female199,97551.3Under 5 years28,2497.25 to 9 years27,7217.110 to 14 years27,4207.015 to 19 years28,3597.320 to 24 years31,…

NE Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population1,711,263100.0SEX AND AGEMale843,35149.3Female867,91250.7Under 5 years117,0486.85 to 9 years123,4457.210 to 14 years128,9347.515 to 19 years134,9097.920 to 24…

Charleston, WV Demographic Statistics

SubjectNumberPercent Total population53,421100.0 SEX AND AGEMale24,90646.6Female28,51553.4 Under 5 years2,9615.55 to 9 years3,0875.810 to 14 years3,1455.915 to 19 years3,0965.820 to 24…