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Punctuation: The Colon: What a Party Animal

The Colon: What a Party AnimalPunctuationPunctuation MattersPeriod, Question Mark, Exclamation Mark: The End of the LineThe Comma: A Major PlayerThe Semicolon: Love Child of the Comma and the…

The Donner Party and the Andes Plane Crash

by Elaine Rho Donner Lake, near the pass in which the tragedy occurred, is today a popular mountain resort. The tales of the Donner Party and the Andes Plane Crash are both well-known…

Barroso, José Manuel Durão

(Encyclopedia) Barroso, José Manuel DurãoBarroso, José Manuel Durãozh&oomacr;zĕˈ mänwĕlˈ d&oomacr;rouNˈ bärōˈz&oomacr; [key], 1956–, Portuguese politician, b. Lisbon. A leftist activist…


(Encyclopedia) NiciasNiciasnīˈsēəs, nĭshˈēəs [key], d. 413 b.c., Athenian political leader and general. After Pericles' death he emerged as the primary rival of Cleon and his war party. He was a…

Bloomberg, Michael Rubens

(Encyclopedia) Bloomberg, Michael Rubens, 1942–, American businessman and politician, mayor of New York City (2002–2013), b. Boston, Mass., B.S. Johns Hopkins, 1964, M.B.A. Harvard, 1966. Rising…

Czech Republic

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Czech Republic, Czech Česká Republika, or Czechia Czech Republic…

Medary, Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Medary, SamuelMedary, Samuelmĕdˈərē [key], 1801–64, American journalist, b. Montgomery co., Pa. In Ohio after 1825, he edited the Ohio Sun at Bethel and later the Ohio Statesman at…

Johnson, Reverdy

(Encyclopedia) Johnson, Reverdy, 1796–1876, American lawyer and statesman, b. Annapolis, Md. Admitted to the bar in 1816, he served in the Maryland legislature (1821–28) and the U.S. Senate (1845–49…